Everyone Loved Nicky

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They did too. Not one of my overcritical friends criticised a single thing about him. Which made me smile; a lot. It seemed Nicky was a hit with everyone including my Mum; she even made a homemade pizza for him with all our favourite toppings. I thought my Mum had liked Riley; not compared with my Summer boy though.  

"Explain to me why you were ever with Riley if you've had those puppy dog eyes after you for years" I could see in Courtney's eyes the obvious belief that my brain had limited power. She'd known all along what Riley was like and I should have listened to her. 

"Distance more than anything I think. I dunno to be truthful, I Just wished he lived closer" I regretted never being able to have anything meaningful with Nicky, but over three thousand miles was a hell of a distance. 

"Hm-mm...well he's gorgeous and funny and he's in love with you. Why do you get all the luck?" Courtney's face had gone pouty. Courtney never really moaned; so I knew something was up. 

"Whats wrong?" Her eyes looked to the floor and then back up. I knew I was about to hear something I wouldn't like.  

"I grew up with you and Imogen, your graceful and beautiful. Imogen has the things all the guys want" She said cupping her breasts about five inches further out that hers, showing where Imogen's were. "And I had the popular guy for once and he picked me, and then he picked Imogen and then he feel in love with you. Lukas chose you, Scott has too and now this Nicky guy. It just seems you have a pick and mix of guys you could have and you just haven't picked yet" I listened understanding how frustrating it must be, and then a thought came to mind. 

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I looked around and found that her other half was not here. I cringed, man I was such a bad friend. 

"Not for a month, but all we've done is talk about Lukas and Riley and how oh so hard your life is" I found the sarcastic note a bit hurtful, but she was most likely right. I had been a a bit self obsessed lately. But still, I had great reason to be.

"Well I didn't mean to jabber on about stuff that means so little to you, but you and Riley had been over for at least six months before I even thought about going near him, plus I asked your permission first. Scott, what the hell am I supposed to do about Scott, he's been infatuated for fifteen years, that not my fault. Lukas doesn't seem to want me all that much to me at the moment and as for Nicky, well you were never gonna have him anyway!" I was stage whispering into her ear as we didn't like our friends to hear our little disputes. She breathed in suddenly, looked across at Nicky and smiled. 

"What, you think he's too good for me, but your good enough for him? Oh I see how you feel, I just get left with your sloppy seconds. Well, not this time!" She picked up the platter of Doritos and started huffing her way to the table of food. I didn't like the way that conversation had turned out, I didn't want her or any girl going after Nicky. I thought of how selfish that was, I don't want him I just don't want you to have him... I looked at Courtney. She was a good girl, kind and pretty if slightly plain in her appearance, she was fiery and wouldn't let anybody push her around, much like me, why we got on so well. And yet... I didn't want to picture her and Nicky. Not the way Nicky and I had been. 

"Well you'll be having my sloppy seconds if you go after him, because I shagged him in America!" I half whispered half yelled for her and a couple extra people to hear by complete accident. A wide smile spread over Scott's face and he patted Nicky's back. 

"Kudos to you getting her into bed, I've been trying my whole life. Even Riley had to wait a month before she'd do it" He looked so proud of Nicky to had bedded me, I just rolled my eyes. But I couldn't escape the eyes of both Nicky, who looked totally shocked and embarrassed, and Courtney who looked livid with little beads instead of eyes boring into me. 

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