The Light at the End of the Tunnel

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[This is not a poem O.e I just didn't want to start a whole new story for just this lol]

Okay so I've been doing some thinking, and usually with my mind that's an incredibly bad thing. But this was a different thinking than usual. See I have this idea I've stumbled upon. You may think I'm crazy as you wish.

Lately I have been feeling... well, depressed if you will. I've felt empty and alone. My mind has become a dark place to be. In fact, my entire existence has started to feel dark. I've been looking for a change. I can't live this way any longer. Now this is where my theory on the light at the end of the tunnel comes in. See everyone looks at it as a way to represent death. But maybe that isn't true. Maybe that's not the ONLY meaning. I mean things often have multiple meanings right? So what if the light at the end of the tunnel not only symbolizes death, but also the struggle to stay alive?

As I mentioned, my life has become really dark. So what if that light at the end of the tunnel is representing happiness and life? And going towards the light will pull me out of the darkness that surrounds me? If that's the case, then I want to go towards the light.

I don't know, maybe I'm just being weird and overthinking things. I feel like I haven't explained my theory very well, but it's hard to put this into words. Or maybe I'm just making absolutely no sense at all. I'm not quite sure.

I just want to live again.

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