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So, Colby's name is another one of the shorts ones. Instead of doing his name twice like I did with Leah, I decided to also do his nickname. I guess that makes Colby special.

C- Cool, Charming, Cute.

O- Only person with the ability to make me blush (although it hasn’t happened yet. I win!)

L- Likes to try and steal my “innocence” Love yuhh Colby!

B- Brightens my day (:

Y- (damn Y is a hard letter.) You mean a lot to me.


M- My master(: He owns me. I am his slave.

A- Always complimenting me.

S- Sexy :P

T- Taller than me. Tanner than me >:( Thinks I still have innocence. Just ask Kelsey about our group chats on Skype and you’ll realize that I really don’t have any. :P

E- Extremely giddy

R- Really weird sometimes

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