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So here I was still on this hospital bed that keeps me from doing absolutely anything. For some reason, I felt so guilty. And ashamed of myself for not remembering all of my friends. They all seem like kind, caring people.
Maybe because they are. When the blonde guy with dark colored blue eyes mentioned about how I got the young girl with pretty brown eyes with perfectly straight blonde hair pregnant, I thought, woah who am I? Had I already knew that before? Or am I suppose to be shocked?

"I'm telling you, I've won. The card you placed down was yellow, my last card was yellow. Goddammit!" I scoffed, as Gray and I played Uno in the center of the room.

"You fucking cheated. Just admit it. You found a card on the floor and decided to use it. IT WASN'T APART OF YOUR DECK!!!" I didn't even have to rely on memory to know this guy pissed me off all of the time. And I pissed him off. He slammed the Uno cards on the table that's currently on my lap. It's suppose to be a breakfast table.

But we've been using it to play cards for the last hour.

"You know what, just because you lost your memory and shit doesn't mean I'll let you win at Uno. I beat you, fair and fucking square." He winced and grabbed his forehead like something pained him.

"I didn't cheat you dumbass." I scoffed at Gray.

"Why are you wearing a tuxedo? Are you going to prom or something?" Sting said, sitting down and eating some salty potato chips. The bag wrinkles up really loud. Gray rubbed his forehead, his hand in his pant pockets. He looked madly annoyed with Sting, as he turned back to look at him. "No, genius. I have a presentation to make in class today. For my business major."

"So, you're into business?" I ask him. I guess I sounded disgusted with the idea because Gray shot back at me with the same tone.

"Yeah, I am." He says, "Got a problem with it, Natsu?"

"It's just business has to be the most boring thing ever. All you do is wear a tuxedo around and act like a douche."

"Woah, Natsu. You did not!" Sting sang. Laughing like an idiot afterwards.

We both ignore him.

"Enough about me. You made Lucy cry. She ran out, she didn't even come in see you. She straight up left. Natsu, you have to regain your memories back. If I have to slam your head in into a door like Spongebob did with Squidward—except, not like—becoming handsome." He says, as he struggles awkwardly to explain what he's trying to say, Sting coughing on purpose in the background for that silent minute. "But until you remember." He finishes more confidently.

"I want to remember everyone. Believe me, but I just can't. The memories just aren't there." I said. I started fixing up the cards in a neat stack and stuffing them back into the Uno box. I can feel Gray's eyes on me so I look up with a questioning arch of an eyebrow. "What?"

He sighs, putting both arms in the back of his head. "Not only did you get Lucy pregnant, she can hardly keep up with schoolwork. And here you are. Just forgetting everything she went through. God, if I was Lucy I would've kicked you hard in the balls and gave you an earful." He gruffed.

"Boom, just like that the shots have been fired." Sting aimed a pretend pistol at me with his hands and made a click sound.

"Well, I didn't mean for this happen Gray. It's not like I purposely got myself injured so I could get amnesia and start from scratch. What's wrong with you?!" I snapped, already angry with him.

Gray clicked his tongue, softening the features on his face. "You're right...I'm sorry. I'm just worried. For you and Lucy. Lucy's like my little sister you know."

I breathed in and calmed myself down. I nodded at him.
"She's like my little sister too." Sting added, drinking down from a can of soda. The slurping sound came after the loud hiss as he pulled the metal open. Gray face creased as he frowned and tore his eyes to Sting. "You just stress her out, if anything she's the older sister and you're the ANNOYING little brother—"

A knocking sound came from the door. I looked up. Was it Lucy? Did she finally decide to see me??

"Oh...hi. Um...this is awkward." A short flat-chested girl came in. She has on a white blouse that matches the color of her hair. She looks down but gazed up at me with a bright smile.

"Touka, right?" Gray says, standing up and walking over to her. She nods, as he takes her hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you, you're Mira's little cousin huh? You guys look so alike. So what brings you here? Visiting Natsu? That's a little shocking."

I glare at Gray. But he doesn't meet my eyes. "How so?" I finally said with a growl.

"I had helped Natsu once. With the incident at Mira and Lisanna's birthday party. I was there and called 911. But I heard he has amnesia now?" She frowns with sympathy towards me. She's pretty cute. In an innocent type of schoolgirl way.

"Yeah. We all hope he gets them back. His memories because we've been friends since childhood you know." Gray looks at me, but it's a deep in thought sad expression. He plasters a smile. "It wouldn't be the same if he didn't remember all those crazy times we had together." And I smiled back, except it made me feel much more guilty. I mean if the part that I made the blonde girl Lucy cry over me was even enough to make me feel more guilty. Especially since it's obvious she was an important part of my life.

"Hello, midget. It's been a long time, powdered donut." Sting said, approaching her with the crinkled bag of chips in his hands. He ruffles her hair and she found that unexpected and flinched away. "You!" She wags a Ginger into his chest.

"And you! Powdered donut. Long time no see." Sting smirks.

"Sting, Yukino's texting me. She's asking for you." Gray says, glancing down at his phone.

"Oh my god, she is?" He sounds genuine. Like he genuinely can't believe it? Which is weird because aren't they a thing? Sting took the phone form Gray's hands and Gray rolled his eyes as he walked out following Sting. "See you later, powdered donut!" He said, shooting her a teasing grin. She annoyingly huffed at Sting and closed the door with him dragging it close behind him. "He loves to call me that. I hate it!" She tells me.

I smile. "That's Sting, I've lost my memory and all. But I already know his ass was made for pissing people off. But hey, sometimes he's genuinely funny."

She brightens into a grin. "So, other then your memory loss. No other fatal injuries huh?"

"No, not really." I shrug, "I mean I've healed from a few major bruises. But that's about it."

She walks closer to me, dragging a chair besides me. She looks like she might occupy my day almost entirely. And I don't know if I should let her or tell her to leave so I can rest and hopefully see my baby girl Nashi. But that would mean Lucy would come.
And what if she never wants to see me?

My Girlfriend's Friend, Lucy. (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now