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"Hey Natsu! HURRY UP!" Gray Fullbuster shouted at me from his car, pulled into my driveway. I quickly button up my shirt and as quickly as I could put on my navy blue blazer, as part of my uniform, on my shoulders. Zeref is at the kitchen table eating some fruit for breakfast while his girlfriend Mavis shows him something on her cellphone and he chuckles. He catches my eye rolling and stops me before I can leave. "Hold it right there!" He shouts. I don't even realize as soon as he quickly reaches for something and throws a banana at my chest.

"Eat you goddamn bastard," He says with a smile. His soothing voice doesn't match his choice of words.

I pick up the banana and wave it at him, sighing, I turn around and leave out the door. Always making sure I eat. Trust me I love eating but sometimes it wastes my time and makes me late to class. To me, though, I'd hardly care if I was late. But because of some people I have to care about my education or they'll fucking murder me.

I eat the banana in a few bites and throw it out as I crawl inside the car. Just another morning.
  But as I open the passenger door I see two new guests: Lisanna and her new friend. Lisanna is in the middle and I'm on the right while the other girl sits at the left. "I'm telling you Lucy, this bastard loves wasting my time." Gray chatters, as I notice his cross necklace on his exposed neck. I only notice this through the rear view mirror.

"Shut up Gray. We both know you choose to wait for me anyways!" I counter. Lisanna giggles, "So Lucy, what do you think about our school?"

"It's annoying that we got to wear this classy uniform, right? It takes about four days just to get rid of a ketchup stain on my shirt. The goddamn uniform is more expensive than my actual education." Gray said, clicking and skipping at every song on the radio.

"Choose a song already!" I growl. He ignores my remark. The girl laughs as soon as I spoke, I look at her, but it backfires when Lisanna blocks my view. "Oh Gray this song! It's a great song! You won't regret it." She points at a station on the radio.

"I never thought I'd actually attend such a beautiful school like this one, honestly, it's amazing. The architecture is mind blowing even for a school." Lucy says. She sounds genuine that it instantly catches my attention.

"And we've got a great indoor pool!" Lisanna says to her in agreement.

"Don't forget about the garden." Juvia adds, looking at us and away from her phone.

"The garden is gorgeous Lucy! It's well cared for and there's this pretty white arch where someone could like propose or something! I mean, weddings were held their once."

"Sounds like a perfect place to study. Peace and quiet..." Lucy trails off, I could hear her exhale as I can only assume she turns her attention to the window following her moment of silence.

"I wish Natsu was peace and quiet." Gray fake coughs loudly.

"Shut up," I said. Looking out the window.
  The music Lisanna was talking about fills the following silence after me. And everyone listens, they don't say a sound to interrupt.

"OH MY GOD." Gray says, several minutes later as we pull into the parking lot.

"What's wrong, Gray?" Lucy says concerned as she taps his shoulder through the small opening that separates them.

"This happens every time." He responds, sighing loudly.

"What does?" She said.

"Natsu takes long and our parking lot space is decreased." Lisanna explains. I glare at her through the glass of my reflection. "Oh my god, why does everyone blame me!"

My Girlfriend's Friend, Lucy. (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now