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So, yeah. We're doing Lucy's view now. But don't worry, this is just to advance the plot. Natsu's POV will come right back. Thanks for reading lol.

(Lucy's POV)

I didn't miss a single move Natsu made. I wasn't even in the audience. I was next to Erza right in front of the ring. Obviously not to close because that could be too dangerous. Especially if an opponent from either side would fall on top of me and splatter me dead. I kept leaning at the edge of my seat, absent-mindlessly,  I realized was chewing my nails off. I could see Gray and Juvia from the audience.
  Gray has Nashi in his arms and he promised to take charge of her for me. He tried getting Nashi to look at her dad who's currently dodging a swift punch. I couldn't see well enough to see Nashi's expression but Gray was wildly grinning and shouting with the rest of the crowd.

Juvia looked so happy right next to him. Even helping Gray cheer Natsu on.

Erza looked nervous as I did. She tried not to believe it or show it because she would act cool about it and fold her leg over the other in her seat and would drink some water from her hydro flask. Her red hair was high up in a ponytail. Meanwhile, I had to be the only childish one with my two long pigtails that almost reach my stupid waist.

Things were looking tough. Especially for Natsu. They took a minute break to drink water and he drank up every drop of water I handed him. He didn't even look at me or anyone else but his opponent. He did thank me for the water though.

I took a peek at this guy. He flashed a arrogant smirk in my direction my eyes went wide with surprise. He had skin darker then Natsu and his blue eyes glowed. He didn't even look like he broke a sweat.

And Natsu was shimmering in sweat. But he still remained confident and went straight for what he felt was the right moment to capture him red handed.

They both had gloves on. Except Natsu's were red and the other guy's was black. They both didn't have shirts on. The only uniform for boxing would be the only shorts on their waist.

There was a few times where I thought Natsu was actually getting to him. So I was glad. I felt thrilled for him and I couldn't stop smiling. Neither could Erza even though she always kept a strict demeanor. Her bangs covered her eyes quite well so she was expressionless most of the time. But deep down I knew the joy she felt to see her brother grow so much. I knew they weren't related by blood. But I also knew that didn't matter. Erza told me about their childhood together.
She was the leader of the three musketeers. Gray and Natsu, well they were the other two that did whatever she knew was best for them.

She told me Natsu always grew up fighting. Especially on the rough parts of their neighborhood when they were younger. Gray fought most of the time too. Except the difference was Gray only fought because he had no other choice. Natsu did it because he wanted to show off his skills as a fighter. He had a urge to become successful and superior. So his dream of being a boxer was born.

Gray was the different brother. He was more sophisticated and didn't act out like the reckless actions of Natsu. In fact throughout high school I always noticed Gray was just as strict as Erza when it came to Natsu. He picked Natsu up and demanded that he wouldn't become late for school. When Natsu did bad in school Gray had smacked him in the back of the head and dragged him into the library to study.

I admired all three of them for growing up and caring for each other when no one else did. I just wish I had grew up the same way they did. Maybe that's what attracted me to Natsu. His crazy recklessness, yet the caring and sweet side of him he had especially for his friends. No, but the fact that he was so reckless but had people that cared for him right back. And those people had to be the most caring, supportive and successful out there.

Like Erza. Such a great friend. A great sister. Even though she's always been the keep to herself type she would smile and at times open up at the most unexpected times. She's a very confident college student that has a dream she's working to achieve as a professional tennis player. And I've seen how focused she gets in matches. She's definitely the "devil" in air quotes said by Natsu. Gray considers her a great demon too, though.

Natsu and his opponent are sharing looks as they circle around. Waiting for the right moment to strike. "Come on, Natsu. This is your chance, do it already..." I said under my breath as I kept eyes on both of them. I heard Erza chuckle, and I knew there was no doubt she was already smiling because she's know what would be happening next.

And then my stomach dropped, as soon as Natsu's opponent took a swift moment to tackle him from the stomach and got Natsu on the floor and swung his fists right on his face and head. And Natsu started coughing up violently. And I freaked out instantly seeing blood drip from his mouth. It was only a tiny bit. But it came with his erupted cough. The referees were explaining to everyone what just happened if they weren't already paying attention.

I immediately tried getting into the ring to see if Natsu was okay. Which I obviously already knew he wasn't. But I needed him to look at me and be conscious at that moment to reassure everyone and myself.

"Oh god, he's unconscious!" One of the referees explained.

"Natsu!" I shouted. I tried climbing over the fence but someone's strong arms swooped me right up. It was Gildarts. He put me down and tried to make me stay put but I was already tearing up. He's hurt. What if he's seriously not okay? Those are the only thoughts that go through my mind. "Natsu!" I heard Gray shout, he was jogging up to get a closer look.

"What happened? Why won't they let us see him?" Gray says, out of breath as he rushes toward me. He looks at me he's dark eyes wild with worry just like mine are. But I don't give him an answer so he looks at Gildarts face above me. "He's been knocked out. Badly. That's all we know right now. The ambulance is already on the way."

"Natsu..." I said, softly. "You'll be okay."

Gray nodded with determination. "He better fucking be."

I saw the ambulance take Natsu. Erza was asking millions of questions to both the ambulance and the referees about the match. But I was too worried to bother to make out what she was saying. Gildarts gave all four of us a ride to the hospital. And when we got there we had found out the blow was almost but still incredibly severe. We were all just relieved when the doctor said he'd still be okay.

If he'd wake up.

My Girlfriend's Friend, Lucy. (NaLu)Where stories live. Discover now