thirty two

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Kimberly pov

We were going out as a family, something the usual person would find normal but for me this was what I had always wanted since I was taken away from my family for eighteen years ago.
Stefano wanted us to go to the beach, it was once a place we would go on dates and it's been so long, too long.
Stefano pushed the pram with ease through the sand until ezio found a perfect spot. I dropped the blanket on the sand before taking a seat ensuring i was comfortable.
Ezio carefully pulled Camilla into his chest whistling slightly.
I couldn't have been more proud of him, he excepted his sister and has been a great brother.
I see so much potential in him as a father.
I've gotta ask him if he's in a relation ship I've completely forgot to ask my own son
The day went by quite fast. Time always flies when your having fun.  Stefano had just gone to the ice cream parlour to get us some ice cream like we had on our first date...just before I thought Leo had died... Just before our first argument.
"So I've never asked you... Are you with anyone?"
He looked up at me and then back away taking in a breath.
"There's someone special yes but it's not official" he smiled

I simply nodded wondering what the girl who's captured my sons heart could be like. A slight draft began to hurl its way down the beach. I quickly held Camilla closer to me making sure her blanket was tight around her.
I noticed Stefano walking towards us so I quickly put Camilla in the safety of her pram.
"Here, for you ezio...and you my stella" he said handing us the ice cream pots.
"Thank you"
I took a small bit on my spoon before placing it in my mouth letting the strawberry flavour savour in my mouth.
I looked back down to the pot to notice something in my ice cream.
"There's something in my..." I stopped as my heart almost exploded
" my gorgeous girl, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so sorry for everything I've put you through and I'm sorry that I couldn't rescue you earlier. I can't live with out you and I wouldn't want to. I love you so much and I will never let anything separate us. Will you marry me Kimberly grey? Please become Kimberly caivano? " he asked me getting down on one knee cleaning the ring as he took it in his hands.
Tears streamed down my cheeks and I couldn't even move.

"Yes!" I screamed and before you know it the ring was on my finger and I was being spun around in the air. This was my true happiness right here.

Hey! I'm coming to the end of the book so please keep commenting and voting. I love to see the support it means so much!
sorry it's a short chapter, another update soon

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