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Tomorrow is my 16th birthday, it's hard to believe. The only thing I want is for my uncle Leo to train me how to run a mafia gang. Not the typical present I guess.
He's been a gang leader for 16 years, he took over when My real grandfather Lucas was killed by my dad yet at the same time, my grandfather killed my dad.
That's when I was then born.

I've been brought up by my nana Juliet and gramps, Theodore.
I spend most of the time with my uncle Alec, he's only 3 years older then me.
We are a close family, always have been.
"Oi eggeo, you coming!" Shouted leo
The name eggio is what he likes to call me since my name is Ezio and pronounced et-c-o he likes to think it's sounds like egg-e-0.

Clearly I love the name.

"I'm coming" I yelled back. I met Alec on the stairs then we proceeded to meet Leo. We were going out to our shooting range. It was our thing, the brothers Leo and Alec and me. Once Leo's son Chris short for Christofano got to the age of 14 since he's now 6 then he will be able to join us.
Marcus always told me I had a good shot like my father, he never missed and I never seemed to either.

"So 16 tomorrow... god I remember my 16th birthday" said Alec slightly punching me in the arm.
"Dude you're 19 and you're speaking as if you old like Leo over there" I stated
"I'm not old just older then you okay, I can still whoop your arse so shut up. Beside, Alec I remember you being 16 and you were a total annoying moody ass prick" Leo laughed
"Awh was little Alec a rebellious little boy" I said trying to squeeze his checks but he happily hit my hand away.
"Once we get there you better start running baby boy, I'll give you a 5 minute head start and then I'm gonna kill you" stated Alec
The truth was Alec had always been sporty, he was fast like really fast.
It's weird most people that have speed don't have endurance but he has both. It's quite incredible but I would never tell him that.
"Sure sure keep dreaming" I snickered.

We arrived at the shooting range and we set up at guns. We started will still targets then they would get further away until we had to use the sniper.
Then it was moving targets, three in a row.
Bang bang bang
A bullet Pierced right through each of the targets head.
"What do you want for your birthday little man" asked Leo.
It was just me and him,
Alec was practicing some more training in the fake building.
"There is actually something I want off you but you ain't going to like it" I stated truthfully.
"What is it?" He questioned further
"I want you to train me how to be a good leader of the gang" I admitted.

Marcus was running my fathers gang ever since he died. Jasper and Liam were still second in command. They were all good at what they did and they kept my fathers gang strong yet when I turn 18 then I will be the rightful leader and if all party's agree then I can become the leader.
They all know the reason why I want to become a leader.
I don't to do the one thing no one else has been successful in.

"Look Ezio, I don't think that's a good idea... you're 16 you don't need to worry about theses things" he told me
"This is my life, from the second I was conceived this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I've been brought up in the mafia and I will never escape it yet you tell me not to worry. I know every single fighting move that there is, I've used every weapon invented and I never miss my target. I've helped you and Marcus with small jobs in the past and I've even help you track down people. Why can't you just help me! Im going to be leader one day wether you help me or not!" I demanded
I was always told I had great confidence, I was always told there wasn't an element of shyness in me and that came in handy especially since I always know what I want.

"Your mother wouldn't want this!" He said sternly
"Why do you think I want this so much!" I admitted "I want to find my mother, it's been 16 years since she went missing and there isn't one damn person who's got a Clue where she is"

He huffed and sadness showed in his eyes. This was his twin sister we were talking about and he still couldn't find her. I knew he felt just as helpless as me.
"I'm sorry" I told him
"We will discuss this further at home, I will see what I can do alright" he told me
I simply nodded.
"What's going on?" Asked Alec
"Nothing" me and Leo stated at the same time.
"Yeah cuz that's not suspicious" he smirked
"Shut up and come on" I said pushing him back towards the targets.

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