Twenty seven

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My father, leo and I had spent the last 4 hours talking to Antonio and coming up with a plan to rescue my mother and kill Salvatore.
Antonio told us were he was keeping my mother so we set Up a way to infiltrate the building.
We waited until it was dark, surprise was always a good tactic.

The building was in the next town, hidden in a forest. It wasn't even that far and it's still taken 18 years to find her.
"She better be here...even for your sake you better hope so" I told Antonio.
He simply nodded looking nervous, that really wasn't helping his situation what so ever.
"Are we all in position?" I asked through the small radio in watch form.
"All ready" said Marcus
"And us" Came my father voice
"Then lets go" I told them

We were leaving Antonio in the back of the van with two men watching him. We didn't trust him enough to let him come along. He needed to be watched.

I was going in the front way, I had 25 men with me. The rest we're separated into 3 groups, we entered in to each side of the building. There was no place for an escape.
I made my way to the door, I saw the camera looking down at us and I just simply smirked. They would soon know we were here.
I kicked the door open and before stepping out the way just in time for bullets to fly past us.
I stepped in and shot the man before cutting the throat of a guy who tried to jump out on me.
"Come on" I said calling the others inside
They followed behind me as we made our way down the corridor.
A few men tried to go up against us but it didn't go well for them.
We walked into a large room and we immediately dropped low hiding behind crates.
Shit this was the suppliers buildings, this is were they kept there drugs.
Once Salvatore found out about this he was going to want us all dead.
You don't mess with another mafia bosses drugs.
Too late for that now.
Gun shots echoed through the room and soon we found ourself in a gun fight.
Bullets pierced through crates and packages helping cocain spread across the room.
I was secretly hoping none of my men were addicts because this would be heaven.
Once I thought it was all clear I rode slowing taking in the surroundings, when a gun shot sounded and sting to my arm caught my attention before another shot was fired, stefano killing the man.
I knelt back down dropping my gun.
The bullet only Pierced my arm, it was just a scratch.
I got away lucky.
We cleared the site of his men but my mother wasn't here neither was Salvatore.
"Fuck!" I yelled
"He played us" huffed my father.

I stormed out the room, Marcus and my father following me until I reached the van. Pulling open the door I looked inside to see Antonio sat down waiting.
I stepped into the van and dragged him out throwing him into the floor.
"What happened?" He asked trying to crawl backwards.
"You lied!" I yelled and I kicked him in the ribs.
He tried to scurry further but Marcus blocked his route.
"I-I- didn't know" he yelled clutching his probably broken ribs.
"Where is she?" I Yelled
I grabbed his throat and pulled him up, pressed him against a tree and punched him straight in the face.
He tried to block my punch but he failed as I slammed his head into the tree.
"She-she must be at- his -his house" he stuttered.

"Why should we believe you!" I yelled in his face
"I'm not lying.  I'm your only hope. I'm trying to help honestly" he said his confidence growing.
I threw him to the ground.
"Take him back" I ordered
Immediately three men grabbed him and chucked him in the van before driving away.
"Ezio" my father began
"No don't, help organise them to take the drugs. We killed all his men we may aswell take his drugs. I will meet you all later" I stated before getting in the suv and driving home.
This had been one hell of a let down.

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