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After about 2 hours of convincing angel to keep quiet I was finally getting ready for our party.
And by party I meant me, leo, angel, Juliet, theo, Alec and close gang members that  Leo was close with. He had also invited some people that he had grown up with. It was weird to think I actually didn't know half of these people.
I decided to wear the same dress that I wore to our fathers party before. I remember that was the day I found out me and Leo were twins, it's when Leo was talking to angels best friend and it's were Stefano told me he wanted another chance. If only I had let him sooner.
The dress still fitted although it was slightly tighter on my stomach, you could barley notice though since I was roughly 3 months pregnant.
"You look as gorgeous as the first time" leo told me.
"Was that a compliment out of your mouth?" I smiled remembering that was exactly what I had said before.
"Don't get used to it sweetie" He laughed
Angel then walked in all dressed up
"Kimberly you look so pretty Even when..." she stated
"Even when I barely try" I quickly covered up.
Leo looked between us weirdly. I decided I wouldn't tell him yet.
I wanted today to be our birthday, and I wanted to concentrate on that.

"You look incredible" I heard leo tell Kimberly as I walked into the kitchen.
"Wow!" I exclaimed looking at Juliet who was wearing a black dress down to the floor. She looks so pretty. Little Alec was sat on her hip in a tiny suite.
He looked so smart.
"I could say the same" she smiled at me.
"Would you mind holding Alec a sec I have to quickly use the bathroom before I go" she asked me
"Of course I'm going to be waiting in the car for everyone" I told her.
Little Alec grabbed my hand before we left for the car. We opened the big front door and I supported him down the many steps.
"Here you go" jasper told me as he opened the door.
"Thank you jasper"
"May I just say you look gorgeous, stefano would be honoured to see you now" he told me.
"Thank you, that's very kind of you" I said pulling him into a hug.
"Make sure you enjoy the night too because your are our friend after all" I told him before getting into the car.
"Will do ma'am" he replied
I have to be honest, I felt like royalty
Being driven around and living in a place like this, it's something I never thought would happen, something I never thought i could've adjusted too but I did, I have.
It was an hour later and here I was dancing with Alec. Leo kept offering me drinks, he said I looked tense but I obviously couldn't except. Once Alec decided he had enough I took him back to Juliet and Theo who were sat at a small table talking. My mother looked happy. It was a good sight.
"I hope your enjoying your evening" Theo told me
"It couldn't be going any better" I smiled
"Would you like drink Alec?" Theo asked the little one.
He nodded and they headed off.
"I still can't believe your here in front of me" said Juliet brining a tear to her eye
"I can't either but I wouldn't have it any other way" I smiled.
I sat opposite her and grabbed her hand
"I'm not going anywhere and there is nothing to worry about anymore" I told her
"Yes I know sweet heart, now lets no dwell on the past. It's your birthday! You need to go and have fun" she smirked at me.
"I am having fun mum" I laughed at her.
Suddenly the music began to slow and Theo arrived back at the table.
"Alec is with Leo and angel so would you do me the honour in giving me this dance?" He asked Juliet
"Well it's a difficult decision, it's lucky your my husband" she laughed before taking his hand.
"Will you be okay?" She asked
"Of course , go! Have fun" I told her.
With one last smile they walked off and held each other close on the dance floor. They are a good couple and I'm glad my mum truly found happiness.
I couldn't help but imagine what me and stefano would have been like as a married couple, would we have joked around like them? Would we be serious couple or hidden from the spotlight? It's something we never had the chance at, something we never will.
"What score you giving us?" Came a voice
I looked up quickly
"10 I would say" laughed Liam
"I would have to agree for a change" Laughed jasper.
And Here in front of me were are two men that are both second in command in the mafia dancing together hand in hand.
"Ow my foot you stupid fool" hissed jasper who was being trampled on my liam.
"I would give you a 6.5481" I smiled at them
"Fine be annoying" smirked jasper letting go off Liam's hand at which Liam looked offended.
"No but seriously" jasper started
"What would you rate my dancing?" He finished
"Okay okay a 3" I laughed
"Liam we are going" replied jasper
"I can't leave such a pretty young lady alone looking sad on her birthday" smiled Liam.
Liam was a big flirt with all the girls but he was a good friend. He was also one of stefano's best men. Liam was funny and just annoying but in a good way while being brave and smart.

Jasper was also one of stefano's best men, he's sometimes a flirt but an over all nice person, he's smart and funny and serious when he needs to be. He's respectful and down to earth not to mention that both Liam and jasper are very good looking.
But one one can compare to stefano.
"Oh never mind, I've just caught a fish" Came Liam's voice before he swiftly walked over to a pretty young girl receiving a drink from the bar. That's the Liam we know.
"Come on you loner" I told jasper before grabbing his hand and bringing him to the dance floor.
"Let's hope you won't dance as bad with me as you did with Liam" I laughed
"Hes just a dim wit that's why" he laughed
He almost looked scared
He moved slow and looked for permission to rest his hand on my back. He was a careful gentlemen.
We danced for a while and laughed while making fun of Liam trying to impress this poor girl.
"I best be going, it's my time to guard" he smiled at me.
"Okay, I will see you in a bit" I smiled at him.
Once he made his way through the crowd I was alone. I didn't know that many people here so I joined Alec, leo and angel. I spent the rest of the night dancing with them and I had a hell of a good time.


Sorry it's been a while to update, hope you all enjoyed will update soon

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