Thirty one

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It's been 2 weeks since my mother was brought home. We spent so much time as a family and I've rather enjoyed it.

The family opened there arms with tearing eyes for Kimberly.
Leo was over the moon when we arrived home that night, she got to meet her nephew for the first time.
Even Alec was excited to have his sister back home although they often joked about a time that my mother and Alec there a used nappy at Leo to wake him up.
That's one wake up call.

Xavier was still living with us however he would soon go and fend for himself. My father gave him salvatores ring and Xavier wears it with great pride. He will soon take over his fathers gang even though he's only the Young Age of 15.
It's another Allie for my part in the mafia, it's made us even stronger and then will never be anyone to come against us. The power of three mafia gangs United.


My mother had called me and my father into her room and said she had something important to tell us.
"You know that when...I was gone..." she began
She stood nervously playing with her fingers which made me nervous also.

"Things happened to me...bad things that I couldn't control no matter how much I tried to stop it and you have to understand I tried to save myself" she told her. Tears began to fall and I immediately felt so much sympathy for her. I knew this was difficult for her.
"What is it Stella?" Asked my father
"I'm so sorry..." she cried
"What are you trying to tell us?" I questioned
"I was raped" she told us.
Mine and my fathers face changed to a shocked expression before filling with anger. I should have killed Salvatore in a much crueler way. It just have let him rot in a slow painful death.
"I'm pregnant" she cried
I immediately stood up.
The words echoed in my ears.
"I'm so sorry" she said turning away from us.
My father grabbed her and hugged her tightly.
"This isn't your fault...that horrible disgusting man. It's okay Kimberly, we are right here. It's okay" my father cooed.
I had just got my mother back and now I was going to have a sibling too. A sibling made of a man with the cruelest intentions. I have killed my siblings father...but I had too there no way he could have lived on.

"I understand if you can't... be with me after this or except me or the child" she said crying even more.
"What! No! Your my mother and no matter what's happens you will always be my mother and I will always love you. This child may be salvatores but it's also my sibling and the child won't know any different" I explained
"Thank you son, stefano?" She asked turning to him.
"I will raise the child like its my own. We didn't get to raise Ezio but he had the best childhood with your mother and the rest of our family. This child is still yours so it will be equally loved" my father explained to her. I nodded in agreement.

*** 8 months later***

I ran through the entrance and luckily jumped into the lift accidentally barging into some lady which I apologised to.
I repeatedly pressed the button for the second floor but the goddam door wouldn't close quick enough.
The elevator finally stopped and I was about to get off when I realised it was only the first floor. Who the hell pressed the button! Come on!

Finally the doors opened and my inner Usain bolt was released as I sprinted down the corridor. I stopped almost hitting a wall when Juliet called my name.
"Woah Ezio calm down" my grandmother laughed
"How is everything?" I asked catching my breath
"Everything's perfect actually" she smiled brightly
"Congratulations Ezio...why don't you go in and see her?" Said Alec
"Her?" I asked
They nodded and smiled before I made my way though the door in front of me.
Laying in the bed was my mother holding a pink blanket. By her side with an arm wrapped around her shoulders was my father.
"Hello son" he greeted me.
I nervously walked over to them.
"Ezio ... meet your sister" my mother told me.
I looked down at her chubby tiny face and couldn't help but Laugh a little. She was beautiful and looked like my mother. She was perfect.
"What is her name?" I asked
"We are going to name her camilla" my mother smiled.
"Hello camilla" I smiled looking down at her little hand against my finger.

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