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Ezio pov
I signed my name on the two blank lines then handed the paper back to Marcus. He signed his name and then we sat the final stamp on the legal document.
It was final, I'm the new boss. It's finally done after the 2 years of preparation and now I was finally here, stood in the glass office of the tallest building in Italy looking down at the city, the city which I now basically controlled.
I controlled the mafia now,
I controlled life.

I looked over my second in command Marcus, then towards jasper and Liam who stood by the door.
"Let's have a drink shall we gentleman" I smirked.
They nodded before I poured the liquor into the 4 glasses sat organised on my new desk.
Each of our glasses touched and then screech ran through my ears.
"To a new beginning" I said
"To a new beginning" they copied.

"As my first order of business I want to make a deal with the Spanish, expand the business, then greater the power" I told them.
Liam and jasper glanced at each other then back to me.
"We've been trying to make a deal for almost 5 years now... with all your respect sir, they ain't budging" Liam told me
"I'm nothing but resilient so I now that I'm charge I will request to make a deal, and if they don't... we will find another way. Get me a meeting some time this week" I told them and aimed my last comment towards Marcus.
"Yes right away" he told me before leaving to sort out my business plan.

"And you two" I said looking towards Liam and jasper
"Go and organise a party for this weekend, let's start my reign off properly" I smiled
"Of course" jasper said before leaving with Liam.
I have to admit, the authority felt good.

Two days later

"Ah so you are the one and only Ezio caivano" said nicolàs, he was man in charge of one of the biggest Spanish organisations, the man that denied a deal with us for four years.
"It's nice to finally meet you nicolàs" I told him.
I held my stern face and placed my hand out ready for him to shake which he obliged.
"Now what can I do you for Ezio?" He asked me
"I want to strike a deal" I said honestly and straight to the point.
"And what makes this meeting any different to the others?" He asked me
"Because I'm in charge now" I stated

He looked at me as if trying to figure out what I was thinking but I've learnt over the years how to set a barracuda up blocking people from reading my thoughts or emotions. It's the best way to be.

"Your like your father" he told me
I was slightly taken back to his comment, I didn't expect anyone out of my family to compare me to my father

"How So?" I questioned

"Determined, I can see that you know what you want,  and if your truly like him then you won't stop until you get your way which is exactly why your here" he told me staring deep into my soul.
I didn't reply straight away, had he once known my father?
"If you can see all that then surly you can see that by making the deal, you will become stronger? I would prefer to settle my business the easy way you see nicolàs" I explained to him

"That I see sir, you've proven my trust... I will except the deal yet if you probe this a mistake, well I would watch my back if I was you" he warned me
"It won't come to that. I take great care of these things" I told him.
We spent the next hour discussing the future business plans, like drop off 's and delivery's. My first business plan had been very successful and now the business will expand due to this. I was about to leave when I heard nicolàs speak.
"I'm sorry about your father, he was a good man deep down, good at what he did" he told me
"Did you know him nicolàs?" I asked
"Yes I did many years ago" he admitted to me
I nodded before leaving his office.
I decided to drag Marcus along with me to the local pub since it was 8 at night here.
I would have a celebratory drink in Spain before setting off back home.

"What can I get you?" Asked the bartender.
"Two whiskeys" I told him
The service was quick and before we knew it we were on our 5 whiskey each.
One thing I could do was hold my alcohol well.
Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts from a voice.
I turned to see a girl stood up on stage.
My eyes refused to leave as I drank every essence of her in.
Her caramel brown hair,
Her chocolate eyes
Pink delicate lips,
Voice of an angel, perfect and sweet
Pale skin, no make up needed
A short petite figure that held confidence
She was mesmerising
She stood upon the stage singing and I was completely dazed and couldn't take my eyes on this gorgeous being.

"You okay?" Asked Marcus who looked between me and this girl while smirking
"Yes... fine get another drink" I told him before turning back to the girl. My eyes locked onto her as she was already looking at me.
It was like I was in a trance, her beauty held me captive.
She gave a subtle smile and I smirked slightly before sipping my drink never taking my eyes off her until she left the stage and disappeared out of sight.

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