Twenty two

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I got dressed into my casual clothes then headed down stairs. I decided I wasn't going to go to the office today, I've been busy with it all so I decided to have a break.
"Hello Ezio, What are you up to?" Asked Juliet
"I haven't planned anything" I told her
"Not at the office today?" She questioned
"No... I decided to have the day off really, I'll find something to do" I told her
"Did you enjoy the party? You, Alec and Chris got into some mischief" she smiled
"I still don't know what we did" I huffed hoping she would tell me
"You still don't know!" She squealed before laughing.
That's when my memory clicked, I had completely forgot about that man she was talking to at the party. I completely forgot to ask her who he was.
"Gran, you know at the party... you were stood by the bar talking to a man. I didn't recognise him." I said to her
"Oh him...let me think of his name. He was a business man, said he wanted to arrange business with you but then he had a call and had to leave quickly" she told me
She placed her finger on her lip which showed she was trying to think of his name.
"Ant...Antonio yes that's it" she said
"Thank you gran, I've changed my mind! I have to go!" I called out immediately running out of the house.
I need the security tape from the party. I would finally be able to find him.
"Liam here now!" I demanded
He rushed over to me
"I need you to hack the cameras from my party now" I told him
"Yes sir" he obliged
Marcus stroller in and stood next to me eagerly watching everything Liam was doing.
"What's up dudes?" Came a sudden voice
"Jasper shut up! Go sit over there" I ordered
He didn't reply and just did what he was told.
After a few minutes Liam had finished and we currently sat there checking all the footage.
"There!" I said pointing to the man talking to Juliet at the bar.
"Zoom in on his face" I ordered
"Marcus... that's him isn't it" I said
"Antonio...yes sir" Marcus clarified exactly what I thought.
"Now face Match that so I can find exactly where he's gone on any cameras and take it back as far as possible" I told Liam.
He began to work straight away while Marcus stared pacing the room.
I really wasn't a patient person and waiting tracking any facial recognitions really took a long time.
I finally had something on him, I could finally use something to track him down.
Marcus suddenly stopped and looked at me. His face looked concerned.
I furrowed my eye brows wondering what was up.
"Ezio...I think I need to make a phone call" he told me
"Now Wait here, it's important" he told me before Leaving the room pressing his phone to his ear.
I could tell by the tone of his voice this was important but who would he be calling?

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