Chapter 25: Misery and Forgotten Anniversaries

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Chloe and Warren stood in the corner of the lab. It wasn't the most private area, as Max and Nathan were present in there with them. But it was all they could do for now.

"So did you get anything, or not?" Chloe questioned, crossing her arms at the scientist. Warren fixed his glasses over his nose. "We've been trying forever now, you have to have something."

Warren was still silent.

Chloe looked back at Max, who was sitting at one of the lab tables and playing with a Rubik's Cube. Her attention seemed to be elsewhere. "Say something, Warren. This is a team effort here."

"I know, I know." Warren said, leaning over the counter the two stood by. His head was hung low, his long hair hanging down over his face like a curtain. "Chloe. It's not like I deal with 22 year old time travelling girls very often. This will take a while." Warren's voice was strikingly calm.

"Well how long?" Chloe asked, leaning in closer to him. "We can't wait too long, Warren."

He nodded. "I know."

"So what, Warren?" Chloe pressed, "stop saying 'I know.' We need results, and now. Max is not getting any better."

Warren was still quiet. his hair covered his face in shame. "Max is my friend." Warren said, "trust me, I want her to be okay just as much as you do."

Something in Chloe's gut was on fire. "Friend? You're her friend?" Something inside the girl snapped. Behind Warren's shoulder, Chloe vaguely noticed Nathan paying attention to the conversation. "I don't care if she is your 'friend' Warren. I've been dating Max for 4 years. Her and I have been through so many terrible situations, we have endured horrors, and pains."

"I can't stand this malice any longer. The one and only girl I love is slowly deteriorating, I will do anything to help her out of this. So I need you to pick up your slack, and figure what is wrong with Max. What is it? What has your research told you?"

"I don't know!" Warren suddenly cried, and the entire room went silent. Chloe stood, frozen. This was the first time in her life that Chloe had ever seen Warren so clueless. "I don't know..." He repeated.

Chloe took a quick look around the lab. Max stopped her tinkering, and Nathan had his full attention on the conversation in the corner of the room.

"I... I'm a scientist... I should be able to figure this out." Warren was standing straight now, moving hair hair out of his face. "But I can't. I can't..."

Chloe was suddenly wordless, her knees felt like jello. Warren continued.

"Her power is destroying her from the inside." Warren removed his glasses in malice. "Her Rewind is turning on her, acting within her own body to tear it to shreds."

"W... What do you mean?" Was all Chloe could say.

"Something is wrong." Warren said, "the power is causing the inside of her body to be victim to time. Her cells and disappearing and reappearing at any time." Chloe glanced at Max from behind her shoulder. The smaller girl had begun to cry at the table she sat at.

"I mean, hell. She's got brain cells in her toes." Warren was exasperated, his eyes were watery.

Chloe shook her head in disbelief. "That's not possible."

"Neither is a girl that can Time travel. Yet there she is." Warren was louder than he should be, Chloe figured the two should get a private place to talk, but it was already too late. "Chloe, there is nothing I can do."

"No, no. There has to be something." Chloe insisted, crossing her arms. Her whole body was refusing the idea of giving up hope now.

"There isn't, Chloe." Warren said, "there is nothing we can do but sit here and watch her own body turn on her." Chloe said nothing back, she felt her eyes sting, she waited for the inevitable words.

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