Chapter 18- Visions

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"So you're saying you had some sort of vision?"

I don't get it, I leave one day for work and Chloe claims she's having these visions. I feel like she's making fun of me, that having weird powers is funny. But I know better than that, I really just don't want this to be true, because it's bad enough that I suffer from these problems, I don't want Chloe to be a part of this too.

Yesterday really changed me, the first day in a long time that's help put my head on right. Chloe and I are a team, no matter how much we fight, we need to be unified if we are going to figure this out. I can look past all our yelling matches, or petty fights, because that's just a sign of life. Deep down, we are partners, no matter what.

"Yes. Don't you believe me?" The sharp sound of hurt in her voice makes me flinch. Chloe sounds desperate, like she needs someone, anyone else to believe her.

"Of course I do, Chloe. I-" Tripping on my words, I try to find a proper way to voice myself here. Chloe looks on the brink of tears, and I would rather avoid hurting her more than helping her. I just need to find how I'm going to address this.

"I just need some time to think about this." It's way too soon since my last dramatic episode for another one to suddenly start, but these days, I really don't get much of a break. Chloe gives a wary nod. "So do I, Max." Comes her short response.

I run though the details she gave me. Headache, rapidly falling asleep, hospital bed, me in that hospital bed. It all makes no sense, I didn't feel ill, (I mean, besides the time altering powers malfunctioning) I wasn't in some kind of physical pain. Me taking a trip to the hospital any time soon doesn't logically add up.

But that's the point of visions, isn't it? To see the unseen.

"You do believe me, right?" Chloe asks, looking at me desperately. I let out a harsh sigh though my nose and nodded. 

"Yes, I do. I... I just need to think about this for a second, make it all fit." I put my head in my hands, muffling the last few syllables of my sentence, but I'm sure Chloe put the pieces together.

"Well so do I, its not exactly like I'm an expert at this either." Chloe's tone is irritating me, but I know she is just panicking, and so am I. Scooting closer to her on the couch, I wrap my arm around her and give a reassuring squeeze. 

"We are in this together, Chloe. You aren't alone. Now walk me though it nice and slow." I need to get to the bottom of this, see if there are any hints that connect it to my rewind, or anything that I've experienced.

Chloe takes a few deep breaths, closing her eyes to recall her memories. "My head just hurt, it was so sudden. I was in the car, in between jobs when it just stated to pulse." Okay, that is the first flag, for sure. I know for a fact that Chloe isn't prone to headaches, I've had so many more than her. When we got together, I made it my goal to learn more about her than I ever had before.

"Go on, Chloe." I encourage her. Sure this was fishy, but that can't be the end of the story. "What happened next?"

Chloe ponders herself, chewing her lip. She's under a lot of pressure, which is definitely alarming. Chloe has always been the more stable one of us both. I was always the one who kept her emotions inside, and was the most in check between us. I was always relying on her.

"I grabbed medicine, and water before I went to bed and, and, I fell asleep." That seems normal to me, I bite my lip in thought.

 "Are there any blanks in your thought? Any time where there was something missing?"

With knotted eyebrows, Chloe tries to think back. "Um... No." Her voice is uneven. "I just remember leaving the bedroom and suddenly being in the hospital... I-"

Okay, so she just went from being in the bedroom, to somewhere else automatically. That sounds odd, maybe too quick of a transition to be dreaming the whole thing. "Chloe, are you sure you fell asleep?"

Chloe gives me a look. "Well, yeah." She nods slowly, unsure for a moment. "I, um, I think. I don't know, can you ever tell when you fall asleep?" Yeah, she's got me there. And also with the fact that she was focusing on her pounding headache, I'm at a loss.

"Hear me out Chloe, but maybe you didn't fall asleep, you just started a vision. That could be it." That's the only thing I can get right now. I'll have to call Warren up so we can have a talk with him and figure this out. Chloe seems excited that I was working with her on this, is her trust that broken?

"Yes, yes that makes perfect sense." Chloe leans closer into me, "I'm so glad I have you on this, Max. We will figure it out together." I wrap my arm around her and bring her closer.

Our conversation drifts to an end. This matter is nowhere close to being solved, but we need a break from this mess, Chloe looks like she's about to cry, and work has been killing me lately. Not because it's hard, just because it's yet another thing on my ever growing list of stuff to deal with.

"Let me grab us some cereal and we can watch tv or something, okay Chloe?" I don't know about Chloe, but I'm sure as hell hungry. Chloe sits up, shrugging her blanket off, "we're out of milk."

I sigh, I swear we had some yesterday, did Chloe drink all of it today? That sounds about right...

"I'll go get some, then." I volunteer, grabbing my jacket from the coat rack but pausing before I put it on. Maybe I shouldn't just run off when Chloe is like this? Calm down, Max. Think about your actions sometimes.

"No, no. Let me get it." Chloe eagerly stands, taking a step towards me. "I've had one hell of a day, and I really need some fresh air." Her point is valid, but I feel uncomfortable letting Chloe off into the night by herself knowing what condition she's in. I'd hate for her to fall apart in the darkness and...

"Max, please. I'm not a child."

"Yeah, okay, fine. But will you be okay by your own?"

"Yeah, I told you. I feel fine." Chloe reassures.

Defeated, I agree. "But have your phone on you, and ready if you need to get a hold of me, got it?"

Chloe smirks at me. "Yes, mom." Her joking manor is calming, It lets me know that she really is okay, and she's recovered enough to take the short walk to the store.

There is a pause between us as she takes her time putting on her coat. "Get out there, it's not getting any lighter out." I usher, not being able to prevent a smile from creeping onto my face. 

Chloe chuckles before grabbing her wallet. "Don't wait up, okay?"

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