Chapter 5: Maxaroni and Cheese

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"If you're still breathing. Than you are the lucky one.
'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs" -Daughter, Youth


The sweet and salty smell of bacon pulled Chloe from her sleep. She felt dizzy and disoriented, sun shined through the windows. The small digital clock next to her head read 12:30 pm. She had slept almost a day. The smaller girl still lie asleep beside her, mouth slightly ajar, saliva coating her lips.

Sitting up against the wall, Chloe rubbed her eyes. The smell of bacon probed her nostrils, but the house had been quiet. So quiet she could hear her own stomach grumbling. Chloe saw breakfast in her near future. She slowly slid out of the sheets, being careful not to wake Max. And carefully descended the stairs, which led directly into the kitchen. Chloe licked her lips in anticipation for food.

Two plates split equally with bacon and eggs sat on the kitchen counter, a single note sat between them:

Max & Chloe

We know you've had a hard few days, go ahead and relax with some breakfast (if it's cold, heat it on the stove!) feel no obligation to do much of anything, we just want you to unwind and take these next few days carefully. We are aware that you two had to leave all of your belongings behind, so we left some money incase you wanted to get some new ones. Take care and please stay out of the booze cabinet!

Melissa & Ryan Caulfield

They had left a note. How cute. Chloe sifted through the envelope below the note. The Caulfield's had left two hundred and fifty dollars! Damn, these two had bank! As Chloe looked at the was of cash, Chloe had half a mind to stuff it away and crumple not note. But she wasn't that fucking selfish anymore, she dropped the envelope down and took both plates of breakfast.

After setting up both plates and coffee on the table, Chloe went upstairs to wake Max. The stubborn girl first refused to leave the bed. But after gentle coaxing-and not so gentle roughhousing-Max finally got out of bed. The two girls sat at the table. "So." Chloe started. "Your folks left cash, we should hit stores today and get some better clothes." Chloe looked down at the borrowed clothes from Max. Her stomach was showing.

"Awe. You don't like my wardrobe?" Max sighed with mock offence, scooping scrambled egg into her mouth. Chloe couldn't help but attentively watch. Her mind wandered as she watched the smaller girl. Max chewed her food tightly, as if it was a very serious task, her jaw was tight and attentive. Her eyes were pink and lightly swollen from sleep-or crying-Chloe nearly got lost in the deep blue of her irises.

"Hey, don't ignore me. Price." Max snapped, bringing Chloe's mind back to her body. She looked at Max and shook her head loosely, as if to wake up her snoozing brain. "I, uh. I'm listening." Max frowned, slowly removing the spook from her mouth, Chloe shivered. "No you weren't, you never fucking listen." Max grumbled, then cleared her throat. Chloe felt tightly offended, she opened her mouth to defend but nothing came out. Max continued as if she had never said anything. "When are we headed out to the store?"

Chloe shoved the last strip of her bacon in her mouth, then wiped her lips on her wrist. "Affer breakfast." She mumbled through the bacon in her mouth, Max nodded quietly and sipped the rest of her coffee. Chloe's mind swam when Max liked coffee that had dripped onto her lips.

Chloe blinked rapidly, what was wrong with her? This past week she had found Max so enticing, more than anyone, more than Rachel had ever been. She remembered asking Max to kiss her on the Wednesday morning after the Blackwell break-in. How she had made it seem like a spur of the moment, nonchalant dare. It wasn't.

Chloe had spend the whole night trying to find a way to kiss Max. She was too chicken shit to do it by herself, and have to avoid the consequences, and Max's questions. And she knew she couldn't seduce Max into kisses her, because Max was too chicken shit to do that. The dare was carefully planned out, all she needed was somehow the perfect moment for a dare to present itself. Luckily it did.

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