Chapter 14

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   Silverlight blinked open her eyes as sunlight poured into the den. The clan was gathered beneath high-rock and Dawnstar nodded to Silverlight, "Good, now we're just waiting on Scarheart, Emberlight, and Wolfshadow." Her eyes gleamed in sorrow as she said Wolfshadow's name. Silverlight dipped her head and disappeared back into the warriors den and prodded Emberlight awake.

Emberlight twitched her tail over her nose and muttered, "Go away..."

"We need to leave Emberlight before something bad happens."

Emberlight sat up in a sitting position quickly and licked her chest-fur in embarrassment. "Oh, heh hey Silverlight.."  

"Go and get Lightningkit and Scarheart." Silverlight meowed as she watched Emberlight dip her head and race out of the den. Silly Emberlight,  Silverlight purred to herself as she padded to Wolfshadow's nest and prodded him awake. "Come on, we are leaving."

"Just packing up and disappearing?" Wolfshadow hissed through gritted teeth, "Leaving the bodies of our dead clan-mates." Wolfshadow's tone was harsh as he turned his head away and flicked his tail over his paws.

"WOLFSHADOW! I know you're grieving for Owlwish but, staying here to die won't help will it?"

Wolfshadow sighed and got up, "I guess.." He muttered something under his breath and disappeared from the den. Silverlight frowned watching his gray tail-tip disappear. She flicked her tail and followed him outside, outside every cat was gathered.

Frostbite looked up from a half-eaten vole and yowled, "I won't come! I'm blind and I'll slow everyone down."

"But Frostbite!" Darktail began but Frostbite cut him off.

"Darktail, you were my last apprentice and you were a great one. Go out there and follow your heart and don't let me slow you or your clan down." Frostbite meowed, his eyes shone with wisdom as the black and white tom sighed and meowed an agreement clearly not wanting to fight with his old mentor.

Dawnstar flicked her tail gathering every-cat around her, "We will miss you Frostbite, may starclan light your path."

"Heh, I should be the one telling that to you." The elder rasped as he rested his head on his paws.

Dawnstar mrrowed in amusement and led the clan out of the tunnel. Silverlight turned her head and watched Frostbite watch them leave with sad sightless blue eyes, Good luck Frostbite, you will be missed. Silverlight thought to herself as she padded after her clan-mates.She gazed at the gorge Owlwish fell in and looked at Scarheart, "Do you have Lightningkit handled?"

"I'm not great at making this jump, please carry him across." Scarheart meowed as she bent her head and put her kit on the ground by Silverlight's paws.

Silverlight nodded and grabbed the golden kit's scruff and bunched her muscles an leapt. She felt the rocks bength her roll and fall into the stream as she dug in her claws on the stone and climbed to the other side. She grunted as she put Lightningkit on the ground infront of her and watched Thunderpelt and Scarheart leap across. Scarheart dipped her head in thanks and grabbed her kit's scruff and followed Dawnstar to the gathering area. Silverlight turned her head and watched Darktail, Mossleaf, and Acornshadow leap across. She looked at the other side making sure no one was left behind then followed them down-slope into the empty clearing.

"Look's like we're the first ones here. Scarheart you should rest." Thunderpelt meowed.

"I was planning to you mouse-brain." Scarheart meowed as she padded into a holly-bush beside the tree's the leader summoned the clans at.

Silverlight sighed and rested her head on her paws with Reedclaw beside her, "You have a busy day ahead. Rest, I will wake you when the other's get here." Reedclaw bent his head and lapped at her ear.

"Thanks Reedclaw." Silverlight meowed as she tucked her muzzle under her tail and sleep closed in on her. Silverlight blinked open her eyes and glanced around, only Reedclan showed up and now they were waiting for Darkclan. Silverlight got up to her paws and licked her paw and drew it over her ear. Feircetail, Mossleaf, and Acornshadow were talking to Pebblewish and Shellheart. Reedstar and Dawnstar were in deep conversation with Streamshadow lurking behind them. Wolfshadow and Emberlight sat by a holly bush watching the Darkclan entrance and Scarheart and Thunderpelt were sitting beside Lightningkit.

Silverlight turned her head as Badgerstar and the Darkclan warriors padded through their thorn entrance. Badgerstar dipped his head and muttered, "Greetings, sorry we are late. Brightshadow just gave birth last night to Smallkit and Emberkit."

"That's fine Badgerstar, we to have a new kit, Lightningkit. So there isn't any worries on that." Dawnstar replied, she swept her tail gathering every-cat around the trees. "We will now be leaving, we must treat each other with the same respect that we give our clan... Right Badgerstar?" Dawnstar finished in a low challenging mew.

"hmm? Oh yeah."

Dawnstar rolled her eyes and looked down at every-cat, "So that means no unsheathed claws, and protect the kits and younger apprentices." Dawnstar looked at every-cat closely then looked up, "May starclan light our path, Pebblewish since we are going through Reedclan territory, can you lead us through it?"

"It'll be my pleasure Dawnstar!" Pebblewish meowed with an excited bounce. She gave her white chest-fur an embarrassed lick then meowed, "Err, I mean.. sure." She flicked her brown tail-tip and meowed, "This way!"

Silverlight padded in the rear with Reedclaw and looked beside her as Firefang meowed something in her ear, "Oh look the two rouges are now mates. What are you going to do? Tell your rouge friends we are leaving hmm?"

"Shut it Fox-heart." Silverlight hissed as Reedclaw twinned his tail with hers, "You clearly don't know what a loyal warrior looks like. Maybe you should try being loyal Firefang."

Firefang flinched, her words clearly hurt him, he looked at her with narrowed eyes and scratched her cheek right below her eye almost blinding her. "That's what you deserve." Firefang hissed as he raced beside Brightshadow and twinned his tail with her. As Firefang twinned his tail with her's he looked at Feircetail with narrowed eyes, "Maybe you should join those looser rouges. Especially since you can't fight."

Feircetail flinched and looked at Silverlight with eyes saying, Can I please claw off his ears? Silverlight fought back a purr and shook her head at him, "Ignore him Feircetail." Feircetail nodded and muttered something under his breath and fell within step with Acornshadow, Mossleaf, and Darktail.

Silverlight flicked her ears at Reedclaw, "I'm sorry your tunnel's had to go to waste."

Reedclaw purred and nudged her affectionately after he leapt over a fallen tree. "It didn't go to waste, I got to spend time in them with you." Silverlight purred and brushed her fur with his as they followed the three other clans.

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