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The light of the moonlight shone on a silver she-cat as she padded through the forest. Her ear was torn and she had battle scars on her pelt. Her misty blue eyes shone in the light as she looked around her and flickered her ears listenig to the sounds and echo of prey and owls around her. She glanced at a large Rowan tree infront of her and bunched her hind-quarters and leapt. Digging her claws into the slowly rotting bark from its age she climbed the tree and grabbed the branch infront of her and steadied herself before laying down on the branch looking up at the stars. It was moon-high and her clan was asleep in their nests while she sat out here. She raised her misty blue eyes towards the sky and flickered her ears as she heard rustling in the undergrowth nearby. She crouched on the tree and slunk into the shadows and saw a gray pelt leap out next to a Juniper berry bush nearby.

The silver cat sniffed the air for who it could be but could only scent the stale scent of an owl whok recently passed by. She sprung out of the tree and onto the cat. She pinned it to the ground and realized that this was to easy of a battle, she unpinned her opponent and watched it sit up and look at her.

The cat was Gray with green eyes, she blinked in surprise at the silver she-cat and meowed. "Why did you attack me Silverlight." The she-cat purred in amusement, "Or did you think I was an intruder?"

"I-I I'm sorry.... I didn't know you were awake.. I mean isn't being a medicine cat tiring?" Silverlight asked the she-cat who sat infront of her.

She dipped her head in acknowledgement, "Of course it is, although I have a few herbs that would rather be ripe during night of course." The she-cat twitched her whiskers in amusement, "Anyways what are you doing out here?"

Silverlight sighed, "Mossleaf, do you ever feel regret for doing so-"

Mossleaf shifted her paws then met her friends blue eyes, "All the time... I'm afraid that I fear at times starclan may send me to the dark forest because I-I failed them... I became mates with Feircetail."

Silverlight nodded, "true, I feel the same way, except because I killed Fox. Would starclan punish me for doing that? Saving my own clan?"

"Of course not." Mossleaf meowed while curling her tail over her paws.

"Then you won't go to the dark forest Mossleaf. Your an amazing she-cat, you heal everyone in our clan. You save us from danger."

Mossleaf met her friends eyes and smiled slightly, "You are also Silverlight. Anyways, I've got to go and collect some Coltsfoot." She froze and meowed vaguely, "Before there is peace in the clans new territories, Fire, Pebble, and Silver must meet to save the clans." Mossleaf began to padd away leaving Silverlight staring at her.

"What does she mean by that? What danger is coming to the clans that we should fear? And why did it sound like Starclan was talking through her by how vauge she said it?" Silverlight muttered as she flicked her silver-tail confusedly, "Oh well maybe it's my imagination."

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