Chapter 11

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The four of them padded back to where they came from silently, they were to lost in shock to say one word about what they found. At  the half-moon I will be back in Echoclan. I can't belive it has been 5 moons since I left. I hope my clan is still alive! Silverlight thought to herself as she padded beside Reed. Pebblewish flicked her tail signling for them to stop, "What about Reed?" She questioned as she turned around and looked at them. 

"I've heard many stories by what Silverlight has said and I don't like swimming neither do I enjoy walking around marshes so I would like to join Echoclan." He meowed as he then dipped his head to Firefang and Pebblewish, "I thank you both for agreeing to let me come along."

Pebblewish dipped her head in respect then continued to lead the way past a pond with some cat-tail on the side. They rested at an open valley and ounce everycat was asleep, Silverlight padded onto the tallest rock near her and looked ahead of her. There many fox-lengths ahead of her was Echoclan territory. That should take 2 sun-rises to reach. She thought to herself as questions spun around her head like, Are they ok? DId they choose a new-deputy? Do they think i'm dead? Oh please don't exile me ounce I come back !

She shook out her fur and jumped as she felt a tail twin with hers. She turned her head and saw Reed looking at her. Her fur heated up as she whispered, "O-oh hi.."

He smiled and said, "Your eyes are as clear as the rivers of my old home."

She giggled then meowed, "Your eyes remind me of the moss in Echoclan territory." She smiled ad there fur brushed as they watched the moon-fall down. Oh Starclan I will never regret this moment. She thought as she watched the stars fade before her. Silverlight gazed at the forest ahead of her. Here I am.. at the Echoclan border. Firefang and Pebblewish already left to go back to their clans.. She thought to herself as she padded towards the camp. She glanced behind her and saw Reed keeping up his pace with her, I'm coming.

She froze and flicked her tail for Reed to do the same when she heard foot-steps padding towards them. She spun around and unchethed her claws but watched black and white fur lunge for her. Golden fur raced across at Reed. "Who are you?" The black and white tom who pinned her down to the ground growled.

She purred in amusement, "Forgot your deputy already after 6 moons?" The tom gasped and took a step back releasing her. She smiled, "Hello Darktail."

"Sil-Silverlight? The clan thought you died when you vanished. We followed your scent to 3-trees but, that's where the trail ended." He narrowed his eyes at Reed. "Who is he?"

"Oh this is Reed, we went on the trip Starclan spoke of." Silverlight meowed as she looked over at Reed as he struggled under Goldenstorm's weight.

"Ah, Goldenstorm get off of him!" Darktail demanded and Goldenstorm unpinned Reed. "Fetch Dawnstar and tell her Silverlight has returned!" His mate nodded then raced away back to camp, "C'mon the clan has been worried." Darktail took the lead as they padded back to the camp. Ounce they reached the entrance-tunnel, Darktail vanished inside. Silverlight followed him inside and Reed followed her. Ounce they got into the camp the whole clan was there with shock and anxiety in their eyes.


Silverlight dipped her head to Reed then left him and padded to Dawnstar, "We have found the new territories." Dawnstar nodded, she waved her tail for Silverlight and Reed to follow her. She turned around and leaped down high-rock and vanished inside of the medicine-cats den. Silverlight dipped her head to Reed letting him go in first and followed him in ounce he vanished inside.

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