Chapter 13

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   Silverlight blinked open her eyes as he heard yowling coming from the nursery. No-cat should be expecting kits! She thought quickly as she sprung to her paws and raced outside and watched Mossleaf race into the nursery with a herb-bundle in her jaws. Silverlight followed her inside and inside was Scarheart in a nest with  Thunderpelt licking her orange  ear trying to sooth her, he looked up and his green eyes lit with fear. "Follow me Thunderpelt, there's not enough room for Scarheart and Mossleaf." Silverlight meowed as she put her tail over the Golden tom's shoulders and led him outside the nursery. 

  Feircetail was looking at the starry-sky with Acornshadow and Owlwish beside him in deep conversation. Frostbite glanced out of his den and muttered through his sightless blue eyes, "Whose expecting!"

Feircetail looked at the elder and muttered, "Scarheart, although Emberlight said she wasn't expecting for two moons." Feircetail turned and dipped his head at Thunderpelt and Silverlight, "Hey," He added more quickly to Thunderpelt, "Let's go hunting, Scarheart will appreciate some prey when she is done kitting." Thunderpelt nodded and walked out of the entrance tunnel. 

"Thanks." Silverlight whispered into Feircetail's ear as he dipped his head and followed Thunderpelt out of camp.

Silverlight glanced at the nursery as Mossleaf poked her head out, "Silverlight, please get some cob-web from the thorn bush in my den! I know it's an apprentice job but, there are no more apprentices and you need to hurry!" Mossleaf turned away and Silverlight shook her head and purred in amusement.  Silverlight padded into the medicine cat's den and grabbed the cob-web off of the thorn bush and stuck some to her pelt as she padded back to the nursery and put them beside Mossleaf. Silverlight could now see why she needed it badly, blood was soaking around Scarheart in the nests, Oh Starclan no! Mossleaf sighed and looked at the roof of the den, "She is in the fate of Starclan now."

"You have to do something!" Scarheart meowed breathlessly.

"There's nothing I can do. If it's her time she will have her kits in starclan." Mossleaf meowed vaguely. She shook out her gray pelt and looked at Scarheart in surprise, "IT'S THE FIRST ONE!" A small scrap appeared and Mossleaf began licking it clean the opposite direction and the kit mewed in protest.

"Welcome to Echoclan little kit." Silverlight meowed as Mossleaf grabbed the kit's scruff and gently put it beside Scarheart.

Scarheart opened her eyes and let out a small rasp meow, "What gender is it."

"It's a tom." Silverlight responded. "it even looks like an exact image of Thunderpelt except for his tabby stripes."

Scarheart purred, She licked the kit's ear and muttered, "Welcome to the clan," she trailed off then added, "Lightningkit."

"We'll leave you alone to get some rest." Silverlight meowed as she grabbed some herbs as Mossleaf tried to grab them all, She dropped them outside Mossleaf's den and Mossleaf dipped her head in a small thanks and vanished inside. Silverlight turned around and watched Dawnstar slip out of her den and talk with Viperheart. This is where I belong.. She jumped as she felt a tail on her shoulder and turned her head to see Reedclaw looking at her with kind green eyes.

She looked away from Reedclaw as Dawnstar yowled her name, "Silverlight! Come to my den!" She dipped her head to Reedclaw and followed Dawnstar into her den and sat down opposite of her, "Tonight is the gathering, we have to make sure Badgerstar and Reedstar know that we should be leaving."

"That's true." Silverlight meowed remembering Reedclaw's tunnel's. She sighed and shook out her fur, "Who is going?"

"I thought I should let you decide on a few of the cats that will come with us." Dawnstar meowed, "Talk to me ounce you've decided who. I'll be talking to Mossleaf."

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