Chapter 8

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Silverlight awoke the next morning and stiffled a yawn. She arose to her paws and padded out the entrance tunnel before any cat could question her. She plunged down the slope and into the 3-trees clearing.

A large Orange tom with Amber eyes paced the clearing. He looked up and growled, "So Echoclan wants to boss us around?" He challenged, "All Echoclan thinks is that their life is perfect." He spat.

"N-" She was cut off when rustling came from behind them, a white she-cat with brown ear-tips and a brown tail-tip padded out. Her Amber eyes glowed in the dawn light. She flicked her tail happily and sprung on a falling leaf.

"Wow, what are you? A kit I suppose?" The tom growled.he sheathed and unsheathed his claws. "Ugh, why did Badgerstar send me here anyways!"

"Because we were sent by Starclan! I CAN'T BELIEVE I WAS CHOSEN, MY LITTER-MATE  SHELLHEART IS SO JEALOUS!" Pebblewish meowed quickly, to Silverlight's guess, Pebblewish was still a new warrior.

"Look, I'll explain if you both settle down and Don't bite my ears off!" She growled mainly toward Firefang. Firefang simply grunted and looked at the ground. "Ok, Starclan sent us here and said, "1 cat from each of the 3 clans can save all of them, but first Silver, Pebble, and Fire must unite at 3-trees." Silverlight told them. She flicked her tail and wrapped it over her paws.

Firefang growled, "I'm not uniting with a kit and a deputy who used to be a helpless rouge!"

Silverlight flinched and stared at the ground trying her hardest to not slice her claws down his face. Firefang grunted then raced off back to Darkclan territory.

Silverlight turned to Pebblewish and meowed, "Let's talk about this at the next gathering" She watched the young she-cat nod the pelted back up the slope towards Echoclan territory.

Silverlight sighed and padded into the entrance tunnel, Mossleaf padded towards her and meowed, "How did it go?"

"Terrible, Firefang doesn't even want to be apart of it just because i- Pebblewish acts like a kit." Silverlight knew she couldnt tell any cat about what Firefang called her. His words still struck at her like thorns, I don't want to unite with a deputy who used to be a rouge! Silverlight shook the thought away then glanced back at Mossleaf. "Sorry i-"

"You seem lost in thought are you sure that is it?" Mossleaf questioned.

"Yeah that is it." Silverlight dipped her head to Mossleaf then raced away towards the warriors den. She curled up in her nest and tucked her tail on top of her nose. She got lost in thought again, Does he think I'll betray the clans? Just because im,a rouge doesn't mean I can't help the clans! How does ever at know I used to be a rouge? Silverlight sighed and flicked her ears annoyedly.

"Silverlight?" Silverlight looked up and saw Darktail standing near her, he had a leaf wrap in his jaws. "Mossleaf told me to give you these. " he dropped the herb wrap he was carrying then padded out the den again.

Silverlight nosed at the leaf wrap and opened it with a front paw. Inside were 3 small seeds. Silverlight glanced down at the seeds and lapped at them. Her eyes dropped until darkness faded into her eyes.

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