Chapter 12

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Silverlight blinked open her eyes and sighed in relief as she realized she was back in Echoclan camps warriors den. She arose to her paws and shook off the moss that clung to her pelt. She padded out into the clearing and nodded at Owlwish, "You may rest now."

"Thank you Silverlight!"He responded and raced away to his nest.

She flickered her ears as she heard paw-steps coming towards her, she spun around and saw Reedclaw padding towards her. His red-tabby pelt shone like a fire in the sunlight.

She dipped her head to him and he whisked his tail in the air in response, "Hey, I want to talk to you. Mind coming to hunt with me?" He questioned, his eyes shone with anxiety and affection.

"Sure!" Silverlight meowed as he  led her out of camp. Silverlight watched his red tail disappear into a holy bush and ran in after him. Silverlight felt a heavy weight push her to the ground, she rolled away and met Reedclaw's eyes, "What did you want to talk about?" Silverlight meowed as she sat up and licked her paw and tried to get a leaf out from behind her ear. 

"Silverlight, ever since you listened to me about my mother I started to realize how much I like you. Silverlight what I'm saying is, would you be my mate?"  Reedclaw meowed as he got to his paws and moved a vine with his red tabby tail revealing a small cavern. The cavern was hidden with lots of thorn bushes but the only entrance was the vine he moved.

Silverlight sniffed the air and flicked her ear wondering if it was a badger or a fox den when she saw Reedclaw shook his head at her. "I mean, yes I'll be your mate but, what is this?"

"In my old home I had to make my own camps, so I dug them out. I know we have the Echoclan camp and your wondering why I dug this, well come take a look inside. I think you will like it." Reedclaw told her, he flicked his black tail tip to where it was pointing to the cavern. "I'll lead the way since I know more about it."

Silverlight watched him disappear into the cavern and followed him inside. Ounce she got inside she felt as though the earth was burying her. She took a deep breath and touched her muzzle to Reedclaw's tail and followed him deeper inside the cavern. 

Light shone ahead of them both and when Reedclaw turned to his left Silverlight saw a large cave with a stream at the corner of it and lots of smaller caves carved into what could be dens. Reedclaw smiled and flicked his tail at her, "I thought that if we ever had a forest fire maybe I could ask Dawnstar if this was safe enough."

Silverlight purred and dipped her head, "Reedclaw it's perfect."

"Follow me there is something else I wanted to show you Silverlight." Reedclaw meowed as he lead her deeper into the cavern towards another tunnel.  At the ending of this one the stream that was in the camp Reedclaw made was going in a nice waterfall at the edge and there was some flowers and other plants in here. "Do you like it? I tried to make it as pretty as you are."

Silverlight's fur heated up and she brushed against him and felt his tail twin with hers "Its beautiful Reedclaw." She looked at the waterfall and pressed closer to Reedclaw. He forgot about the journey, what do I tell him when we have to leave soon. Silverlight shook the thought away knowing that she should just let him enjoy it for now.

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