Chapter 4

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Silverlight sighed as Dawn-light seeped into the warriors den. Every-cat was out of the den in camp or out on patrol. Silverlight wrapped her tail over her paws and shook out her fur remembering the cold leaf-bare morning's last half-moon. new-leaf finally came and was doing well for every-cat but, Silverlight feared Mossleaf's message still. How would a forest fire destroy the clans? Will it kill everycat one by one, or the weaker to the stronger. Silverlight looked up as Darktail peered inside the den and meowed,

"Dawnstar want's to talk to you in the medicine den." He turned away and disappeared leaving Silverlight shaking scraps of moss from her pelt. She padded outside the warriors den and glanced around. Darktail was telling Owlwish to go rest while Emberlight, Feircetail, and Snowstorm padded back from the dusk-patrol and padded past Silverlight into the warriors den. Silverlight flicked her ear nervously and padded inside after the medicine cat. Inside the den, the dim light from the moon rising shone in the den. Dawnstar sat in a corner staring at the entrance while Mossleaf padded into the herb store and grabbed some herbs. Dawnstar tilted her head at the medicine cat as she put them down infront of Dawnstar and Silverlight. 

"These are traveling herbs. The reason I gave you these is because I need you both to go to the moonstone and speak with starclan." She continued before she could be questioned why, "I had a dream that Pebble, Silver, and Fire should meet up. I was at four-trees in the dream. But, not a half moon later I was scent another dream telling me that Reed will save the clans from Fire. I need you to go to the moonstone and come back telling me what Starclan showed you."

Silverlight flicked her tail around her paws and bent her head and ate the traveling herbs. She flicked her ears as she heard Dawnstar doing the same. "When should we go?" Silverlight questioned ounce she finished the traveling herbs.

"Right away. I know its to soon but, starclan also hinted that if we don't hurry then danger will come." Mossleaf pleaded. She gazed at them both, "The herbs shall also keep down your hunger so you don't need to worry about hunting."

"Alright." Silverlight and Dawnstar meowed at the same time. Mossleaf dipped her head to them both and padded back into her herb store and pulled out herbs and started organizing them.

"C'mon." Dawnstar meowed to Silverlight as they started padding outside the den, Dawnstar put Darktail in charge then led Silverlight out of camp into the dim-litted forest. Silverlight dipped her head to Darktail then followed Dawnstar out of the entrance tunnel, She trusted that Darktail would protect his clan. Silverlight leaped over a rotting log and followed Dawnstar around a fern patch. "We just need to cross the heather then go past the second highest hill and follow the stone path made by two-legs then we will see the mother-mouth." Dawnstar meowed as they quickened their pace and ran into the heather.

Silverlight couldn't believe this was actually near their territory, it was so exposed and their was nowhere to hide if they ran into a fox or a badger. She stiffened as she scent a new scent, Cat.  "Dawnstar-" She was cut off quickly when a black and white pelt sprung from nowhere and landed ontop of Dawnstar and clawed at her face.

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY LEADER!" The strange cat demanded, he seemed tense and deeply annoyed, "You both have the scent of the forest. Fox was killed by some cat from the forest! WHO KILLED HIM!"

Silverlight gazed at the strange cat, her heart thundered in her chest when he said "Fox." She remembered what happened that day to Fox. Silverlight looked at the tom and realized who it was. It was Fox's older brother Fierce. "Fierce, Fox killed Slate so I... I killed him." She raised her head looking at the sky with sorrow shining in her eyes as she meowed.

Fierce blinked at her and only laughed, "She was Pathetic..... JUST LIKE YOU SILVER!"

"I'm not silver anymore, I AM SILVERLIGHT! DONT REMIND ME OF MY PAST!" She yowled, she scratched at Fierce's muzzle quicker than a badger. Fierce yelped in surprise then crouched and leapt at Silverlight half-pinning half rolling her across the grass. Silverlight shrinked into the grass and kicked her hind-legs at his stomach pushing him off of her. Fierce landed awkwardly on his paws, Blood slowly oozed from the wound on his muzzle.

"Don't expect this to be an easy fight." Fierce hissed through gritted teeth as he reared up and slammed Silverlight to the grass. Quicker than he could land another blow on her Dark-blue fur Dawnstar pushed him off and pinned him to the ground. Silverlight got up and saw Dawnstar trying to land blows on his legs while Fierce did the same but to her flanks.

Silverlight quickly got up and raced to Dawnstar's side matching her blow-for blow on him. Feircetail leapt away and glared at Silverlight one last time, "You better remember me Mange-pelt, I'll be your worst night-mare." He hissed as he turned tails and raced through a patch of heather.

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