Shop till you drop

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"Baaaaaaabbbeeee!" Wade winned as he flopped onto his bed which his boyfriend sat reading on.

"What's wrong now, Wade?" Peter rolled his eyes as he waited for an overdramatic response.

"I'm starving and we're out of like everything!" Wade complained his voice muffled by the blanket his face was buried into.

"You mean nothing microwaveable or junk food is left." Peter corrected knowing they had soemthing in their shared kitchen.

"Yes" Wade responded like it was obvious.

"I'll go to the store tomorrow, alright? Now leave me alone, I need to get this book report done." Peter pushed his boyfriend with his foot but the male didnt budge.

"But, you gotta go now!" Wade pulled his head from the blanket giving Peter his pleading eyes.

"If you need it so badly, you go do it. I always do the shopping." Peter argued back growing annoyed.

"Fine. I will and I'll do a hell of a lot better than you. How hard can it be?" Wade fired back excepting the challenge. The male lifted himself from the bed and left the room while rambling on about how much better he could do. After a loud door slam the apartment was quite for a good three hours before the same door flew open revealing a overly confident Wilson.

"Baby boy, I'm back!" Wade yelled as he set the armfuls of bags on the counter.

"And I'm fucking great at shopping!" Wade danced around the kitchen before his partner shuffled into the room.

"Good job, honey! I'm proud of you for being a semi-adult." Peter commented while glancing in the bags.

"Now since you went shopping you get to put everything away." Peter smirked walking over to Wade and kissing his cheek before disappearing back into their bedroom.

"Awwwww what the fuck!"

Some time passed as Peter stared at his laptop screen trying to decide what to write before he heard a annoyed groan come from outside the room.

"Wade?" Peter called out before he came stumbling into the room.

"We don't have milk." Wade slumped back on the bed.

"So what you're telling me is I was right and I am indeed, a better shopper." Peter poked his partner with his foot.

"Fine, yes!"Wade whined. Peter chuckled swinging his feet over the edge of the bed,standing up he walked out of the room.

"Petey?" Wade followed behind. Peter approached their unused coat closet opening the door he revealed shopping bags sitting on top of a cooler. Moving the bags Peter lifted the lid and pulled out a jug of milk.

"Not gonna lie you did do better than I thought  you would"

This was suggested by SugarTreeBookWorm i hope its what you wanted..... if not i can always try again.

But hope you'll enjoyed don't for to comment and suggest.


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