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Wade and Peter walked into the meeting room. Peter looked around seeing all the parents talking to each other and the table of food in the corner. Peter nudged Wade in the side getting his attention.

"Wade, dear you are going to behave right? No scenarios like last time?" Peter leaned in to ask his husband. Wade looked at the shorter man with a offended look.

"Of course I'm always on my best behavior." Wade responded while walking away to talk to some other parents. Peter just looked away walking over to some other parents to catch up on the drama that had been floating around the community so he could tell Wade later. His discussion with Becky about how much of a bitch Samantha was cut short by the loud yelling coming from the other side of the room. He knew that voice and refused to turn around as he watched every ones eyes dart to commotion.  

"What is he doing?" Peter asked through gritted teeth.  

"Oh shit, looks like Karen's finally going to get what she deserves." Becky chuckled watching her friends husband yelling at the lady. 

"Fuck, I just want to be some what normal in a community." Peter muttered turning around and stomping his way to Wade. 

"I WILL FUCKING FIGHT YOU, YOU BITCH!" Wade yelled while standing his ground.

"FUCK YOU, YOU FREAK YOUR KID SUCKS COMPARED TO MINE!" The lady screamed back placing her hands on her hips. Peter just rubbed his face not wanting to deal with what ever was going on.

"Wade please can we just leave?" Peter groaned letting his hands fall to his side. Wade turned to his hubby letting the anger fall off his face.

"Hold on a sec honey." Wade spoke calmly before whirling around to face the lady. Every one was watching now. Peter slowly realizing they were going to have to move to a different country after this went down. 

"NO ONE LIKE YOU BITCH! NO ONE INVITES YOU TO ANYTHING YOU JUST SHOW UP! AND WE ALL FUCKING KNOW THAT YOUR OH SO GREAT BROWNIES ARE STORE BOUGHT!" Wade yelled not letting the lady speak. He then sassy walked his way to food table finding what he wanted. He picked up and tray of brownies and walked back to the lady. Peter just gave up trying to reason to embaressed to even look at anything other then his hands. Wade picked up one brownie and took a bite before spitting it out into Karen's face. He then flipped the tray walking over to his husband wrapping his arm around his waist and proudly walking out with his partner who just tried to hide from the prying eyes around him. As they came to the door way Wade turned around yelling into the room.

"DON'T YOU EVER SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT MY FAMILY OR I'LL KILL A BITCH!" Karen just wiped the food off her face as she boiled with anger as Wade sauntered out of the room. Luckily Peter was the only one who knew about Wades past and knew that he would actually do it. 

"We can't come to these thing anymore." Peter muttered walking to the car.

"why?" Wade asked almost like nothing had just happened. Peter slammed his hand on the hood of the car.


Sorry this one sucks big time I'm still kinda out of it but i tried.  Remember to suggest and comment, thanks for reading...


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