Lets Go Camping!

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Suggestion from the lovely @Lashtongirl234 so here it is like I promised....

"Daddy! Hurry up we gotta find the perfect spot!" Little Peter cheered tugging on his fathers hand. 

"I'm coming Pete slow down a bit we got plenty of time." Tony smiled down to his son who just looked back a huge smile on his face. Peter let go of Tony's hand running to catch up with the other little boy. 

"Why did we have to come camping? Is the tower not good enough that we need to be out here with bugs and nature and shit?" Tony asked his husband while killing a bug that had landed on his arm.

"Oh come on it's not that bad. Plus Peter and Wade wanted to come." Steve chuckled wrapping a arm around his pouting husbands waist. 

"Ha yeah Logan owe's us big time for watching his kid." Tony grumbled leaning against the larger male. Steve just rolled his eyes continuing to walk up the trail. After a few more minutes of hiking they saw the two young boys stop in a clearing. 

"Papa, Papa can we camp here?" Peter asked practically jumping up and down. Steve nodded smiling at his son. The two boys cheered and sat on the ground waiting for the adults to make there way to the area. As they approached Tony began to scratch the new bug bite on his neck only to have Steve smack his hand away.

"don't scratch it'll make it worse." Steve ordered while looking at Tony scowl.

"But it itttchhhheeesssss." Tony whined only getting Steve to roll his eyes. Steve dropped his backpack to the ground. 

"What can we do?" Wade asked starting to get a bit bored from just sitting. Both boys looked to Steve waiting for a response.

"Well how about you two go get fire wood, And me and Tony will start the fire then we can set up the tents." Steve responded getting a glare from Tony. The boys jumped up from the ground and ran into the woods. 

"Be careful don't get lost!" Tony yelled as the boys disappeared. They ran around picking up anything that looked like it would work for fire wood. Peter held an armful of twigs and branches as he raced Wade to another branch.  As he ran he didn't notice the tree root that jumped out of the ground. Peter went tumbling to the ground the fire wood falling from his arms into a scattered mess on the ground. Wade kept running not noticing that his friend had fallen till he heard a whimper come from behind him. he stopped laughing and looked back to see his friend holding his knee. His face filled with concern as he ran back to his fallen friend.

"Petey are you okay?" he asked Frantically while kneeling in front of Peter. Peter quickly tried to wipe away the tears that had formed. 

"ye yeah i think think so." He stuttered pulling up his pant leg to reveal a scrapped bleeding  knee. Wades eyes widened at the sight. Peter just sniffled touching the wound and flinching at the stinging. Wade jumped up and scooped up his friend bridal style(What else is it called???)

"Wade what are you doing?" Peter asked confused by his actions. Wade just began running back to the camp area hearing loud arguing as he neared. 

"Come on it'll take two seconds compared to this pioneer shit." Tony whined only for Steve to shrug him off as he continued his work. 

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers!" Wade yelled coming into view of the two. Tony looked at the boy confused to why he was caring his son till he saw his knee. 

"Aw what happened Pete?" Tony asked walking over to Wade who set the other boy down. 

"I fell over a tree root." Peter sniffled as his dad examined the injury. Tony stood up walking to the pile of backpacks. He fished around in one before pulling out a first aid wipe and band aid. He walked over to the boy who had Wade hovering over him. Tony knelled in front of him.

"K this is going to sting a bit okay?" Peter nodded as Wade grabbed his hand to comfort his friend. Tony wiped away the blood Peter closing his eyes tightly. Tony placed the band aid over the cut before standing up and helping up his son.

"Hey Wade how about you finish collecting some fire wood while Peter heals up, think you can do that?" Tony asked . Wade nodded and ran off bringing back a few piles of the wood. he sat next to Peter on the large log that sat in front on Steve who still struggled to get a fire started. The boys joked with each other and played some eye spy. 

"HAHAHA I DID IT!" Steve yelled jumping up scaring everyone at the out burst. He fed the small fire making it bigger. 

"Alrighty shall we set up the tents?" Steve asked once he got over his success. The boys nodded in agreement.

"Can Wade stay in my tent with me?" Peter asked giving his pops his puppy dog eyes. 

"Sure why not." Steve smiled ruffling his sons hair as he walked past. They both started pitching the tents Steve and Tony setting up there while the boy set up theirs. After a long time of struggling the tents were finally up. The sun had began to set casting a shadow over the campers. 

"Who's hungry?" Tony asked while holding up a thing of hot dogs. 

"Me!" both boys yelled at the same time. After cooking the food over the fire followed by multiple s'mores the all settled on the two logs around the fire. the sun was completely gone leaving them in the darkness other then the slight glow of the fire. Wade watched as Peter began to shiver as the cold night fell. He removed his hoodie and placed it around Peter shoulders. Peter looked at his friend smiling as a thanks. They began to tell ghost stories all of them silly and dumb till it was Tony's turn. He began to tell the story making the two boys to huddle together as they looked around behind them with wide eyes.

"Okay, Tony that's enough." Steve stopped his husband not sure how much worse the story was going to get. 

"Such a fun killer." Tony stuck his tongue out at his partner. 

"Alright boys I think its time for bed its getting pretty late." Steve ordered only to get ahs and a few pleads. 

"Night daddy night papa." Peter hugged his dads while yawning as he realized how tired he is. The boys climbed into there tents getting ready for bed. Tony and Steve stayed awake still watching the stars as the cuddled. 

"alright i guess you wouldn't be able to see this back at home." Tony hummed. Steve smiled while kissing the top of his husbands head. Peter and Wade finally curled up in their sleeping bags closing there eye letting sleep over come them.

"Night Petey."


There you go little Wade and Peter hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and suggest.


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