It's Been a While

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Peter stared out the window of the plane taking in the buildings that appeared below. He leaned back into his chair letting out a deep sigh. He hadn't been back to New York in over 10 years. His Dads sending him away so he'd be safe. He finally talked them into letting him come back to his favorite city for at least the holidays. The plane landed letting him exit the airport. A limo sat out front with a guy holding a sign in front of it. Peter rolled his eyes as he walked up to the man. 

"You must be Peter!" The man said happily taking Peters luggage. Peter gave a small smile and climbed into the limo. The warm air wrapping around him. The driver got back into the vehicle and began to drive. Peter soaked up the scenery around him of busy streets and towering buildings. After a few minutes  passed the limo came to a stop in front of Avengers tower. His door was swung open and he stumbled out.
"Peter!" Peter was grabbed into a hug by a large buff man.
"Hi pops." Peter smiled hugging back.
"Welcome back Pete." Tony exited the towers doors.
"Well i would have been here sooner but you know you wouldn't let me." Peter rolled his eyes following his dads back into the warmth. Peter spent hours catching up with the group of heroes. He was glad to be back to the crazy house hold.
"Hey can i go walk around I've missed the city." Peter asked getting tired of the same stories.
"Aw of course Pete." His pops answered trying to separate the fight between Thor and Clint.

He sat alone at a little table in the back. He faced the door making sure his hood hung over his face enough to not be seen. He turned the random coffee he was given in his hands ignoring how hot it was. He watched people enter and leave the little coffee shop like he did every day for the last couple of years. He enjoyed people watching and thinking what there lives might be before he would leave to go complete jobs that involved taking those mystery lives. He spent his life doing the same thing day after day. He had no one, everyone he cared for or even gave two damns left him. He locked people out of his life refusing to even talk to someone. Sure he had his hook ups almost nightly but it never became more then a one night stand. The door rang as someone walked in. Out of habit Wade looked up waiting for a new persons story. His eyes widened at the figure. Wade normally didn't swing the other way but damn (This is a lie).He smirked to himself thinking bad thoughts as he watched the person move. Wade couldn't take his eyes off the other male. He'd never seen him before.  While lost in thought he hadn't noticed that the male was walking towards him.

"Hey, sorry uh i-is anyone uh sitting he-here?" Wade heart skipped a beat hearing the song like voice of the person. Glancing around he noticed how full the shop had been not an empty seat left... except the one in front of him. 

"Nope go ahead." Wades voice was gruff sounding as he answered. The boy smiled brightly and sat down setting his coffee onto the table. 

"Thanks, I really just don't want to go home right now, and staying here seems to be the only other option... S-sorry i"m rambling, Uh i'm Peter by the way..." Peter rambled on becoming flustard. 

"Wade, Wade Wilson." Wade responded becoming confused by the sudden face he was given by the other boy. 

"W-Wade." Peter stuttered out. Wade raised an eyebrow.

"Yup it's a great name i know." Wade responded not seeing why Peter was acting the way he was.

"I mean you probably don't remember me... Peter Stark-Rogers." Peter mumbled. Wade eyes grew wide once again. Peter Stark-Roger his childhood best friend and crush. How could he have not noticed he was still as good looking as ever.


Hello it's been a while i know. To those who suggested something those will be next on my list so expect those. Hope you enjoyed don't forget to comment and suggest.

Also anyone got any band suggestions i need to widen my selection a bit... preferably nothing country though....

"I'm not as think, as you drunk i am." -Don't threaten me with a good time


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