What can Happen in the Dinning Hall

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So this a an asylum AU and cut me some slack for i do not know a lot about them just, but since people believe i'll end up in one i thought what the fuck why not:)

Also this mentions suicide and self harm so fair warning if you don't want to read about that. Which i should say please don't ever do those things i know it won't mean a lot coming from this but still please don't.

Loud yells echoed down the hall, even with the door shut Peter still flinched at the sounds. He curled up in a ball with his knees tucked against his chest on his stiff bleach smelling bed. He shut his eyes tight not wanting to accept the fact of where he was. His thoughts spun around in his head making it ache.

'If you had just done the job right you wouldn't be here.' He kept repeating to himself as the clock ticked. A sharp knock filled the room followed by it opening. A cheerful lady bounced into the room she wore a smile that looked to big for her face.

"Peter it's time to take your pills." She calmly said while handing the boy a paper cup of water and thing of pills. He looked at his palm seeing the colorful shapes that rested there. Taking a final sigh he tossed them into his mouth and chased them down with the water. He smiled at the lady not wanting to seem rude.

"Uh, thanks I guess." Peter mumble handing back the paper cup. She smiled back without saying anything and began to walk away but not before turning around to say one final thought.

"Oh, and dinner is in an hour you can go eat in the dinning hall or if, you'd feel more comfortable you can eat in here." She piped waiting for a response from the male. Peter thought for a second before convincing himself he needed to get out of the stuffy room.

"No I'll eat in the dinning hall thanks though." He replied rolling back up into his ball form. The lady left the room without another word leaving him with his thought again. He stayed in his position till it was dinner time. He stood up feeling the cold tile beneath his feet making him shiver. The only shoes he had were some slipped things that he put on before exiting the room. He peaked out to find an empty hall other then a few nurses.

" Oh Peter I'll show you to the dinning hall." The same nurse from before waved for him to follow. It was a short walk but it still felt good to stretch out his legs. After arriving the lady took off the way they had come. Peter grabbed a tray of food and looked for a place to sit. Tables were full and everyone seemed to have their groups. Peter watched the ground as he walked to a corner table sitting alone. He picked at his food not feeling hungry. Peter started to regret coming to the dinning hall and realized he should have stayed put.

"Hey baby boy." A man voice came from in front of Peter as another tray was slammed on the table making Peter flinch. Peter slowly looked up to see a tall muscular man with some nasty scars. Peter just watched as the man sat down.

"I know, I know so many great looks it hard not to stare." The man winked this time making Peter's face flush as he quickly looked back down at his food. Peter just sat still, as the man stared at him as he shoveled food into his mouth.

"Not much of a talker huh?" The man asked only getting a shrug from the other.

"Well, I'm Wade. I pretty much run this joint." He smiled as he leaned on his hand not breaking his stare from the boy.

"Uh, Peter..." Peter mumbled while playing with the hem of his shirt. Wade just nodded taking another bite of his food.

"So why ya here?" Wade pushed forward determined to learn something about the boy. Peter sighed realizing he wasn't going to left alone. He lifted up his arm gently pulling up his sleeve revealing the deep cuts and scars that littered his arm. Peter still didn't look up as he quickly put his arm down pulling down his sleeve as far as it would go. Wade didn't move slightly shocked at what he was shown. The boy was small and thin and Wade found him extremely cute. Peter began to feel uncomfortable as silence settled over them but yet Wade still stared.

"Uh, it's- it's kinda rude to to stare." Peter stuttered, he looked up. Wade snapped out of his trance regaining his cool.

"Oh, uh yeah sorry, you're just so damn cute." Wade purred winking at Peter again. Peters eyes widened at what he was just told. Wanting to change the subject Peter tried to think of something to say blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

"So, uh, why are are you here?" Peter asked biting his tongue as the words left his mouth.

"Ah, I've got schizophrenia... got these two voices in my head. Gets annoying though, all they fucking do is argue about everything." Wade continued to ramble on about before catching onto what Peter was trying to do.

"But they both agree with me on the cute statement." Wade smirked as he watched Peters face turn a darker shade of red as he buried his face into his sleeves. The shirt was to big on the small boys frame making the sleeves fall past Peter hands a good few inches. Wade held back a aw sound as he watched the scene.

"He, Wilson I still need to kick your ass at cards so leave the new kid alone and get over here!" A man yelled from another table. Wade just growled at the man. He got up from his chair and walked to Peter turning the chair so Peter was facing him.

"Hey this won't be the last of me I think we're room neighbors." Wade chuckled making Peter look up. Wade then took Peters hands and rolled up his sleeves being extra careful. He looked Peter dead in the eyes.

"And if I hear this still happens, I'm not gonna let you leave my side." Wade ordered getting a small nod from the boy.

"Catch ya' later baby." Wade called back while walking away watching as the boy again flustered at his actions.

"Yup it's decided should have stayed in my room."

Sorry its short and kinda dumb but ima go to bed. I was thinking Maybe do a second part but i really don't know. anyways don't forget to comment and suggest

luv y'all


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