Want to dance?

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"Sooooooo?" Harry laid on Peters bed watching his friend do homework.
"Sooooo? What?" Peter responded looking up from his paper.
"You know Prom is coming up...." Harry continued.
"So what?" Peter couldn't see the point Harry was attempting to make.
"Oh my god! Who are you going with!?"Harry yelled rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Oh uh I dont know. No one probably." Peter mumbled returning to his work.
"Oh come on..... I know you and Wade have been talking a lot more. Couldn't you go with him?" Harry raised his eyebrows smirking at the reddening of his friends face.

"That's not going to happen why would he go with a nerd like me when he could go with almost anyone? I don't even know if i'm going to even go. Dances aren't really my style." Peter lied thinking about having to patrol that night. 

"What?! Your going even if I have to drag you there myself." Harry explained not excepting Peters answer. Peter rolled his eyes continuing to work. Harry stood up stretching. 

" I probably should get going, but really if you don't have a date for this weekend I'm still dragging you there."  Harry stated grabbing his own bag and leaving his friend to his work. Once Harry was out of the tower Peter shoved all of his finished school work in to his bag and stood up. Making his way to his closet and slipping on his hero suit. Opening his window he stood on the ledge and leaped into the cold night. He stopped a few Thefts here and their but really crime in the city had died down most people to afraid of being caught. Perched on a ledge of a building he noticed another red wearing man waving at him from another building.  Rolling his eyes he swung over to the other man. Stopping a few feet in front of him. 

"Helllloooo my love!" Wade sang skipping towards the male. Peter just crossed his arms over his chest annoyed. 

"What is it Wade?" Peter questioned waiting for the merc to respond. Wade shrugged his shoulders.

"What I can't just want to see my Baby Boy?" Wade chuckled laying on the ledge of the roof. 

"Don't call me that." Peter demanded taking a seat next to the anti hero. Peter let out a relaxed sigh enjoying the short break he was taking. 

" Sooo going to Prom?" Wade asked staring into the blackness of the sky. Peter face shifted not liking the chosen topic.

"Uh I don't know not really my scene... plus I got patrol..." Peter explained frowning a bit. 

"Oh come on you have to go, I think the police can actually do their job for once and don't need the all so great Spidey doing it for them." Wade responded not liking Peters answer. Peter shrugged and let out a sigh.

"I guess maybe but I'm gonna look like a loser going alone." Peter pointed out standing up from his seat. Wade propped himself up with his elbows watching the younger male. 

"You'll figure it out, plus who on earth could say no to some one with an ass like yours." Wade chuckled to himself. Peter just rolled his eyes used to the comments. 

"Yeah but your not the nerd of the school.... I gotta go Wade, I guess see you in class." Peter leaped off the ledge before Wade could say anything else. He swung back home. Changing back into his normal clothes he laid on his bed thinking about the prom. Still not sure if he was going or not he finally fell asleep only for morning to come to soon. He changed his clothes and grabbed his back pack walking out into the kitchen. He made some toast and began walking out the door thinking it would be best not to disturb his dads in the lab. Taking his normal route to school he entered into the crowded building. Winding his way down the halls to his locker he opened the metal door to have a card fall out of it. Confused he picked it up inspecting it. He suspected it to be a prank but he still opened the card. He read over the paper carefully

I like big butts and I cannot lie!

Will your booty go to Prom with me?

-Your favorite Anti Hero

Peter couldn't help but let out a laugh at the stupid card. His locker was suddenly closed revealing one of the most popular students at the school. 

" Sooooooooooooooo will I get to touch the butt or not?" Wade asked leaning on the locker next to Peters taking in the smile that rested on Peters face. 

"Alright i'll go with you. Plus then I can make sure you don't cause any trouble." peter chuckled returning the card back in to the envelope. 

"SCORE!" Wade yelled wrapping an arm around Peter and beginning to walk down the hall. 

"Uh Wade... I still kinda need my books."

I'm not dead. I'm so sorry it has taken this long really i was just being lazy and had some writers block but i'm back and should be posting more. It's almost Halloween  and i am so fucking ready so I'll be posting more Halloween themed ones probably such as a zombie one that was suggested that is next on my list. Speaking of witch(haha see Halloween jokes....Yeah i hate myself too)this lovely idea came from the wonderful 

she always suggest topic so thank you to her!

Hope you enjoyed please don't forget to comment and suggest!

Question: What is you favorite T.V. show?



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