You're not real.

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He had always been there while Wade was growing up. Wade never noticed that no one else talked to him or that he got weird looks for talking to him. He was Wade's only friend and it's like he showed up any time he needed him. As he grew older so did the other boy.

"You never told me you name?" Wade asked playing with his toy car. The boy sat in silence for a moment before responding.

"You can call me Peter if you want." Wade smiled hearing the other boy talk.

"Alright, Petey." Peter laughed at the nickname. Years passed Peter still never leaving. Wade did his jobs without him but once he got back to his apartment Peter was always there to be the voice of reason and how Wade could be better. Wade and Peter went on patrol together Wade always amazed at how much Peter saved people. One day they sat on a ledge talking about whatever.

"Petey, I love you." Wade blurted embarrassed at what he had just said. Peter sat in silence for a moment.

"I love you too Wade, but you do know...." Peter responded looking down at the city below. Wade looked at the other boy confused.

"Know what?" Wade questioned not knowing what tmhe was going to say.

"Uh, nothing just forget it." Peter ordered changing the subject. Later that month both men sat on the couch in Wades apartment. Wade watched T.V. as Peter seemed to be lost in thought.

"Whats up, baby boy?" Wade asked looking to Peter.

" you do know I'm- I'm not.....real...right?" Peter asked looking at Wade tears in his eyes.

"W-what are you talking about?" Wade asked his heart quickening.

"Wade I'm not real, I've never been real." Peter started to cry as he reached out to touch Wade's face. Wade pushed his hand away.

"You're not real..." Wades voice was empty and cold. It was so obvious how did he not know this. His heart was crushed he just started at Peter his eyes empty.

"Wade, all those thing you thought I did was really you, you just didn't realize it. You're the hero. You changed yourself so you followed good and not evil. Not me." Peter choked out. He began to come transparent.

"You're not real." Wade cried tear pouring from his eyes as the figure disappeared before him.

"I love you,Wade." Peter cried before completely disappearing. Wade was alone, he felt so empty inside. He didn't want to go on he felt like everything he knew was a lie. He picked up one of his many guns that sat on the broken coffee table. He put it up to his skull closing his eyes tears still leaking through.

"Real or not i still love you, baby boy."


I tried to do soemthing sad i dont know if it was good or not. Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed don't forget to comment and suggest.

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