Wheeee wooooo

3.7K 139 33

HOLY SHIT! Over 1,000 reads!!!!!!!! Thanks for reading we really appreciate all of you, but i mean are we supposed to do something to you know celebrate...if you can't tell I have zero idea what i'm doing. No clue none at all just going with the flow. Okay i'll shut up now enjoy!

Focusing on the task in front of him Peter tossed things into a pot. He stirred to concoction that sat on the stove top. The kitchen was filled with wonderful smells believe it or not Peter had found he had a secret talent at cooking. He walked to the fridge pulling out a variety of vegetables that he wanted to add to the soup. He found the perfect size cutting board and picked a good size knife. He began to chop the items quickly creating the perfect sized chunks. He picked up the celery he had just finished cutting tossing it into the mixture not losing his fluid motion as he worked. He picked up a carrot placing it on the board. He began to work getting side tracked at what else he needed to add before he felt a sharp sting hit his finger.

"Fuck!" Peter yelled dropping the knife and looking down to his hand. He watched as a crimson liquid began to leak from the fresh injury.

"dammit i cut my finger..."Peter whined walking to the sink and sticking his hand under the warm water.

"Wheeee woooo, wheeee woooo, wheeee woooo!" Wade came running into the kitchen as fast as he could. Peter spun around surprised by the noise and person running at him. Wade paused in front of Peter holding up Peters finger. Unwrapping a band aid Wade covered the cut with the bandage. He quickly kissed his partners finger before running out of the room.

"Wheeee woooo, wheeee woooo, wheeeee wooooo" Wade yelled leaving Peter alone again. Peter stood stunned for a minute before looking at the Hello Kitty Bandage on his finger trying to think of where Wade would have gotten it from.

"Wait Wade when the hell did you get home?!?!"

*Skip a few weeks because as you know i'm a lazy fuck*

Peter stumbled up the fire escape to the window that lead into his apartment. Managing to get the window open he fell inside letting out a pained cry holding one of the many horrible injuries.

"Petey?" Wade came into Peters view even though it appeared a bit blurry.

"Holy shit!" Wade yelled rushing over to his boyfriend gently lifting him up and carrying him to their shared bedroom. He laid Peter down rushing to the bathroom. Peter could faintly hear Wade as he came running back into the room.

"Whee wooo, Whee wooo, Whee wooo, Whee wooo." Wade yelled panic in his voice as he came to Peter side holding all the first aid kits they had. Peter couldn't hold back the smile making his busted lip and cuts on his face sting but it was worth it. Wade pulled off Peter mask followed by his shirt revealing the majority of the damage done on his Baby boy. Gently Wade cared for all of Peter wounds flinching at the pained noises that came from the smaller boy. Once he had finished Wade could feel how cold Peter was from the loss of blood and got up quickly grabbing one of his hoodies and all of the blankets in the small apartment. Carefully Wade pulled the hoodie of Peter head making sure to be careful. He laid next to Peter pulling the blanket over the both of them. Peter smiled again as he felt Wade begin to kiss all of his injuries finishing with a gentle kiss on his lips. Still Peter flinched but reassured Wade that he was okay. Peter inched closer to Wade seeking his heat which Wade gladly held the smaller boy to his chest.

"My very own Personal Ambulance."

So yeah that was that. Really tho if you want us to do something for the 1k reads let us know i don't even know if it normal to do something!?!? But i hopped you enjoyed this oneshot and remember to comment and suggest.



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