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Isabella's POV

What do you think your brothers are hiding?

I only ask myself: are they related to Ryan's family business?

Are you sure Tony is being honest with you?

Of course I am, I trust her because she's my friend.

Are you going to avoid Ryan?

Yes I will try to avoid him.

Did u ever suspect moving houses all the times?

Until now, no cause we only moved because of the family business.

Do u regret meeting Ryan?

not sure...

Do you think you may have feelings for Ryan?


Do you wish your brothers are nicer towards you?

Hell yes!

Are you used to them being this protective?

These days it gets worse.

Do you think you're adopted?

Uhm, this...this never crossed my mind...

Do you think your brothers have their own gang?

Nah I don't believe that.

Who can you really trust right now?

Tony, she's my bestie.

Carter's POV

Carter do you care about any of your siblings?


Why do u always seem to hate everybody and why r u so mysterious

I don't like people and I am not mysterious, I am only minding my business.

Are you hiding something too?

We are hiding something.

Why are you different than your brothers? You're like weird.

I'm not weird. I just don't accept some decisions of my brothers and keep away from them.

Why are you so mean but so hot?

Doesn't concern you.

Do you hate your sister?

We're siblings.

Why are u so mean?


What's up with you and Bella ,did something happened in your childhood.

She isn't involved.

Why was there a sudden change in wanting to pick Isabella up?

I was forced to pick her up.

Scarlett's POV

Why are you such a bitch?

Me? A Bitch? I'm fabulous duh.

Are you aware of everything?

If I wouldn't, I also wouldn't be the Scarlett.

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