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3rd person'sPOV

Landon, Luke and Caleb were on their way home. Luke was driving the car while Landon was sitting beside him and Caleb behind them.
During the car ride Landon told them what had happened back at the police station.

"The officer is fucking dumb."
Luke spoke out as he rolled his eyes. He really felt dumbfounded.

"Is this even allowed to accuse someone without having any proofs? Can't we like sue him or something?"
Caleb asked.

Landon only let out a big sigh.

"Look the officer is not fucking import right now. It's Smith. This bastard was about to arrest me."

"Well, what did you expect? Of course he would do such a thing, it isn't surprising."
Luke exclaimed.

Landon didn't like Luke's attitude at all and Caleb knew right away. Landon was about to snap at him but Caleb could stop him in the right moment before things got intense.

"After all you didn't get arrested Landon. That's the only thing that matters and now we should concentrate on finding Smith."

Landon first looked at Caleb but only after a second he leaned back in his seat and sighed.

"Yeah yeah, you're right."

Caleb was relieved now that the topic was closed.

After a while Landon decided to speak as he still remembered something which made him feel worried.

"We just have to get home fast. I don't have a good feeling about leaving the others alone with Isabella after the police came..."


As soon as they arrived home, Landon sprinted into the house and called out for his siblings.

"Carter, Dylan!"

He didn't get any response and started going into the different rooms in hope of finding them. Luke and Caleb also entered the house and heard Landon calling out for the others. Immediately they knew that he was searching for them and decided to help him.

"Yah, you idiots get your asses here!"
Caleb yelled.

Instead of yelling like Caleb did, Luke also started looking into the different rooms like Landon, but with no luck.

Landon was also back from searching the house up and down with no results.

"I knew that something happened..."
He sighed as he pinched his nose bridge.

"Maybe they went out to eat something?"
Caleb said and only got glares from his older brothers.

"Tell me Caleb, why would they go out if I just got arrested?"
Landon asked sarcastically.

"Maybe Bella got sad and they wanted to comfort her? Argh I don't know man...I just wanted to see it positive unlike you."

"Hm Isabella was sad and then she wanted some ice cream right?"
Landon responded with sarcasm filled his voice which made Caleb roll his eyes.

"What if..." Luke started speaking as he looked down onto the ground like he was afraid of facing them. "What if Isabella ran away?" He asked as he finally decided to face them.

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