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I turned around and faced a pissed Ethan.

I started not knowing what to say. I was scared of Ethan doing the same like Dylan did.

"You're coming with me."
Ethan wanted to grab me by my arm, but then Ryan stopped him.

"Wait, you can't just drag her with you if she doesn't want to! After the last incident, I'm sure she doesn't wants to go, right Isabella?"
He said looking at me.

I was struggling to find an answer because it was crystal clear that I didn't want to go with Ethan, but otherwise my brothers would throw a tantrum.

"No,I want to."
I said and went on walking to the table where Grayson was already seated. Ethan was walking behind me and I saw Ryan looking irritated. He then went to sit with his friends.

"Look Isabella."
Ethan started when we reached the table.

"You can't just meet up with this boy, when we are forbidding it! You.have.to.follow.the.rules."

"Also you're always eating with us now."
Grayson interrupted.

I rolled my eyes at them and took an apple from Ethan's tray and started eating it. I could see how pissed he got.

He bend over to me, which made me a bit scared.

I said frightened. I think Ethan noticed it because he went back to smile at me.

"So...like you already see, Dylan isn't here yet. This will save us some trouble."
Grayson said and I turned to face him with a bewildered look on my face.

"Wait. Won't you...tell him?"
I asked with a bit hope of them not telling anything to the others.

Ethan and Grayson looked at each other and then they looked at me.

They smiled which made me also smile like an idiot.

"Thank you, thank you, tha-"
I was literally jumping out of happiness till I remembered that I am actually pissed at both of them. I was pissed at everyone.

I stopped from smiling and went back to an uncaring look. Ethan just sighed and went on eating his sandwich.

I still had an apple in my hand. Before I could take a bite, Dylan came without his friends. But this time he had another person with him.

A girl.

Dylan had his arm around her and judging her outfit, she seemed to be a cheerleader. His favourite type.


I knew what he was going to do. He was just playing around with her.

"Sup, boys....and Bella."
He smirked when he saw me. Certainly he was satisfied with me sitting with them.

"Guys, this is Scarlett. Scarlett these are my brothers, the twins and this is my little sister. Our little princess."

Princess my ass...

Ethan and Grayson annoyingly welcomed her. They also knew that this girl is just another one of his so called 'trophies'.

"Hi, nice to meet you!"
The girl, Scarlett, widely smiled at us. I could tell that her smile was purely fake. Also the tone of her voice was extremely fake.

my seven brothers Where stories live. Discover now