My Angel Chapter 23

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"Wh, wh, when did this happen?" Clyde asked me as he walked over and placed a hand on my flat stomach." More importantly with who? Because I know for a fact that it wasn't with me."

I started to laugh. Witch seemed to irritate pretty much everyone.

"What is so funny?" Cameron asked me. "This is no joking matter! We were supposed to go to Dal together. You can't go to university if you have a child!"

That made me laugh even harder. "I'm not actually pregnant." Clyde eased up a bit. "It was the only way I could get you two too stop fighting."

"I'd say it worked." Jordan laughed to himself, "Seeing as our failed plan is over, I say we do something a little more interesting. Let's go watch matt get killed by Dakota."

"You mean to cheer him on. Good idea Jordan, let's go!" I knew that wasn't why he wanted to go but I decided to give up on the whole plan thing.

We walked out onto the back portch to watch Matt's training. When we walked out, Matt was running through tires. He was pretty good but fell on the last one.

"Good try honey!" Cameron called to her boyfriend.

"Don't praise him!" Dakota snapped, "I have to admit he has the time down, but he has to get the precision down too. So what have you guys come up with?"

"Well we have established the fact that Sam isn't pregnant." Clyde reported. Shortly after Matt fell on his way across the monkey bars.

"How many times does he have to go through this?" Hannah asked. "I can't bear to see him go through this much pain."

"No pain no gain sister. If you don't like it, leave. Oh and is pain isn't you're thing, that don't bother coming to the underworld with us."

"Please excuse Dakota, her nerves are getting to her. She really wants Matt to survive this." I explained. "She is the only one that knows what we are up against."

"Good point, I guess. And just to let you know, pain, I can withstand a lot of it."

Dakota glared at her for a short while before going back to matt. "Good time, a minute and thirty seconds. But you are going to have to shed fifteen seconds."

"Come on Dakota, can I please take a break. And yes I know "No breaks in the underworld" but seriously!" he pleaded. Also adding a very well done impression of Dakota.

"Give the kid a break. I'd like to try out your little contraption anyway." Hannah told her as she got into position at the starting point.

"Fine. Get ready, set, go!"

Hannah took off. She was a very good climber and darted over the rock wall pretty fast. Using her Angel speed, she managed to get through the tires rather quickly. She went across the monkey bars and then dove under the barbwire. When she came up, finished, she was covered in mud but looked very proud of herself.

"Amazing! Fifty-seven seconds. I do believe that is a new record!" Dakota cried.

"Yeah, well just wait until you see the younger Angel's go, Cameron you're up."

She walked over to the starting point and got ready. When Dakota said go she climbed at full speed over the wall and continued. When she finished, she walked over to a stunned Dakota.

"Forty nine, that was the most amazing performance I have ever witnessed."

"Clyde's turn." She laughed and went over to high five her brother. He went up and gave the same performance as his sisters but a little faster still.

"Forty seven seconds. Even more amazing." Dakota still appeared to be in a state of shock.

"Sammy's turn!" Clyde came over to hug me but instead I lightly slapped him in the face. I stepped up and prepared myself. Sure I wasn't an Angel but who cares?

The minute I dove under the barbwire, I got mud in my mouth. I didn't care, I was determined to finish, and I did.

"A minute and nine seconds. I say that's a mortal record." Dakota said as she eased up again.

"Now the guys have to go." I chirped as I walk over to Clyde. He tried to kiss my forehead but only ended up with muddy lips.

Tegan and Jordan decided to race for their turn. They got even better times than I did. Jordan won with a time of a minute and four seconds and Tegan had a minute and eight seconds.

"You guys are pretty good. But now I know how much harder Matt has to work to get from a minute and thirty seconds to a minute and fifteen."

"Well you have fun with that, I'm leaving, send Matt home when you are done. I'll see you guys tomorrow before the game."

Everyone said goodbye and I left for home to prepare for what was going to be the worst day of my life.

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