Start of a New Game

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Hello readers! Here's the final chapter of Stand!

I guess... here we go, huh?


The laughter is interrupted by a ringtone and the man growls in annoyance. He grabs his phone from his pocket and stands up, walking towards the door of his office. ''Yes?'' he hisses as he leaves the room.

The holograms that are still visible show pictures and statics of certain people.

A boy with brown hair and metallic blue eyes.

The next picture shows a boy with red hair and sparkling, orange eyes.

Another boy, this time with orange hair and dull blue orbs.

The next teen has light brown eyes and darker red hair than the second boy.

A teen with navy blue hair and teal eyes.

Another boy with wavy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

A pale teen with navy blue hair and orange eyes.

The next boy has pink hair and teal eyes.

Those are only a few of the many files that are shown in one of the holograms, showing names, schools and positions.

The last hologram shows what seems like statics. But the thing that stands out the most, are the red words in the middle of the screen.

Project Distraction Clones completed: 78%


''What is the meaning of this?!'' the two fifteen-year-old boys flinch back with wide, shocked eyes at the angry hiss. A tall man is standing in front of them, stray locks escaping his usually neat bond hair. His eyes behind the glasses are narrowed in a disdained glare filled with sapphire fire.

A woman with sky blue hair and warm pink eyes grabs his arms. ''Calm down, dear,'' she says sternly.

The man turns his glare on her. ''Out of the way, Yoko! They need to be taught a lesson!'' he gestures sharply at the two identical boys.

The woman, Yoko, shakes her head. ''You are being completely unreasonable, Iwao!'' she says, pink eyes narrowing to a glare.

Iwao seems to calm down. ''Yes, you're right,'' he says smoothly, surprising the woman. ''I'm sorry,'' he smiles at the blue-haired beauty. ''You should go now, sweetheart. It wouldn't do to keep your clients waiting.''

Yoko narrows her eyes suspiciously but then nods. ''You're right, I suppose.'' She sighs and makes her way to the two boys. ''Hey, don't be to down okay?'' she asks with a smile. ''See you tonight.''

''Bye mom,'' chorus the boys and with a chuckle she leaves.

The moments they hear the car drive away, Iwao's glare is back. ''How could this happen?'' he asks calmly, but there is a furious undertone in his voice.

The boys share a look, and one of them steps forward. ''Father-''

''Don't go making up excuses! I never should've let you join that pathetic soccer team!'' his sapphire eyes seem to glow sickly in the weak light of the hallway. ''No son of mine will ever lose. If you can't be the best, you won't play at all.'' He turns around to leave, but is stopped by a voice.

''But dad!'' protests the boy who was silent before. ''That's so unfair! They're the best in the country-''

Iwao's ice cold gaze meets the identical yet warmer blue eyes of his son. The other son tries to console him when he sees the predatory look in his father's eyes. ''Please father, we'll do what you want,'' he says calmly.

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