Compromise and Capnapping

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Hey hey, I'm back with the newest chapter~! Hope you guys enjoy it~


''Then, who is it?'' asks Shindou sharply.

Hikaru hesitates for a moment longer, before answering. ''Well... his name is Sakaki Haruki.'' He turns the screen on, showing a picture of a boy with blazing, orange eyes and red hair pulled in a high ponytail. He wears a familiar soccer jersey, and the players stare at the screen in shock. ''He's a midfielder for Kanashimi Jr High,'' finishes Hikaru, swallowing harshly.

Shindou stares at the screen, mouth slightly open and eyes wide. He can't believe this... Tenma, their captain, is friends with a Kanashimi player? When he speaks, his voice is not louder than a whisper, but everyone hears it through the silence that fills the room.

''No way...''


Tenma is sitting in his room, staring blankly at the wall. Sounds and images flash for his eyes, memories that aren't his. It's been happening a lot the past few days. Sensations and images coming from his link with Haru. He has also been feeling strange emotions at random times. He has realized that this is what Haru was talking about.

Suddenly, his phone rings. The brunet knows that it isn't Haru, so who would call him? He takes out his phone, surprised to see the caller id. ''Shinsuke...?'' he mutters surprised, before picking up. ''Hello?''

''Uh... Tenma? It's me, Shinsuke.''

The brunet frowns when he hears Shinsuke's hesitant voice. ''Yes? Can I help you with something?''

''Would you please come to the clubhouse?''

At that question, Tenma frowns. ''Why?'' he asks cautiously. He has a bad feeling about this.

Shinsuke stutters something before answering. ''Well... w-we want to talk to you about something.''


''Ah...'' Shinsuke sounds like he is caught doing something bad, which doesn't help to settle Tenma's worries. ''The rest of the team, I mean. Could you come please?''

''I guess... it can't hurt...'' answers Tenma after a moment, and to his surprise, Shinsuke gives a sigh of relief. ''See you soon.''

''Yeah, we'll be waiting in the clubroom.''

The line cuts off, and Tenma stares at his phone. ''Okay, that was weird.'' He walks down the stairs, where he sees Aki.

''Ah, Tenma? Are you going somewhere?'' asks the woman surprised.

Tenma smiles at her. ''Yeah, some friends... Bye!'' he leaves the house, walking towards his school. During the walk, he wonders what his team could possibly want, and a sense of dread spreads through his stomach. He thinks... no, he knows what this is about.

When the brunet arrives at the club building, the sun is starting to sink behind the horizon. The captain enters the building, walking through the abandoned halls. When he reaches the door to the clubroom, he pauses, trying to calm himself down. Then, he enters the room.

Shindou is sitting on the table in front of the screen, with Hikaru standing next to the computer. The rest of the Raimon Eleven are scattered over the seats. They all turn to look at Tenma when he enters, eyes filled with shock, anger and suspicion. They are watching him like he is a dangerous creature that could attack any moment. But that's not what shocks the brunet the most.

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