Found Something

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Still no idea if I should publish this here, but I guess I can just put it up now that I've updated the prologue. So, here's the first chapter. Hope you like it and all that (sorry, I'm less than enthusiastic with doing this).


A light breeze comes through the window, and a boy with brownish-orange eyes stares longingly out the window. The sound of chirping birds and the smell of sakura trees fill the room. The sun lights up the white walls, and warms the occupants. It's the perfect image of peace and quiet.

The blue-haired male sighs and looks at the boy sitting in the chair beside his bed. His eyes are closed, and his head is turned towards the window while he breathes quietly.

The older male smiles sadly at the sleeping form of his younger brother, and looks at his face. His skin is pale, paler than normal. He has bags under his eyes, and sadness shows on his face, even in his sleep. He looks very young, when he sleeps peacefully like this, the only moment he can escape from his memories.

Yuuichi sighs again and keeps staring at his brother's face. ''Kyousuke...'' he mumbles quietly, as to not wake the younger boy.

Yuuichi closes his eyes, and a few minutes pass.

''Ugh...'' comes a quiet sign of life from the boy beside him. The older opens his eyes to look at the younger. Kyousuke stretches and looks at his brother questionly. ''Did I fall asleep?'' A nod is his answer. ''I was supposed to come with you for your check up, and here I am, falling asleep,'' murmurs the blue-haired boy.

His brother smiles lightly and shakes his head. ''I don't mind. You looked very tired, and I like watching you sleep. You always look so peaceful...''

Kyousuke frowns. ''Nii-san, I don't want to talk about this. It's in the past, okay? I quit, no, we all quit, and I don't talk to them anymore. Let it go. Please...''

Yuuichi meets his stare head on. ''You're only hurting yourself, Kyousuke. All of you. You all love soccer so much, and yet-''

His brother interrups him. ''You didn't see them, you didn't hear them! Don't act like you understand, nii-san! Kanashimi... the players... they're not normal! I looked into their eyes and all I saw was ice. Their eyes... those eyes... they'll haunt me forever. They were filled with despair, hate, sorrow... they destroyed us, nii-san! They took away our Keshin! And if you... and if you saw the others – I'll never forget what my teammates looked like back then, nii-san. Those Kanashimi bastards, they- they wanted to use their power to destroy others. They... their eyes... it looked like they wanted to kill us.''

Yuuichi stares at his younger brother in shock. He looks so... broken. He gave up the most important things in his life because of them. ''Kyousuke...''

Said boy stands up, and shakes his head. ''I'm sorry, nii-san, but I... I just need to get some fresh air.''

Yuuichi watches in shock as the blue-haired male turned around and left the room. Kyousuke...


A wavy, greyish brown haired boy sits on a bench besides the river, looking at the water. The silence that surrounds the place is heavy, like a thick blanket, hiding the boy from the rest of the world. Sad, brown eyes turn to look at the cloudy sky. The look in those eyes is one of hopelessness, as the owner sits in deep thought on the bench.

He sighs and closes his eyes, leaning backwards, relaxing his stiff body. He sits there quietly, memories flooding his mind.

Cold, cold eyes...

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