Finally Reuniting

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Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait, I am extremely busy at the moment :(
Seriously, people seem to think I have all the time in the world. Well, I don't. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Aki hesitates. ''The coach of Kanashimi and the director, are twins. Their past is... it's full of secrets, but they used to be soccer players. Also, the past few years, they've been doing illegal things, though it never has been proved.''

Tenma lookes at her, surprise and suspense evident in his gaze. ''What kind of illegal things?'' he asks quietly.

Aki hesitates again. ''Experimenting on human mind manipulation and memory filtering. We believe... that they might be experimenting on... on the soccer players.''

Tenma's eyes widen, fear evident in his eyes. ''No way...'' he mutters. He stares at the wall in shock and fear.

Aki slowly sits beside him. ''It's okay, Tenma,'' she says softy.

Tenma shakes his head. ''It's... it's not...'' he hides his face in his hands, one thought running through his head.



A boy with red hair is walking through the streets of Inazuma Town. He doesn't really notice where he is going, just walking around in thought. The redhead sighs, and looks around. He is standing in an abandoned street, no living soul to see. The boy looks at his watch, noticing it's still morning. That explains it. All the adults are at work, and the children and teenagers are at school.

The boy is about to walk away, when he hears a familiar voice. ''Haru? What are you doing?''

Said boy turns around, surprise evident on his features. His eyes lock on a certain brunet with greyish blue eyes, who is looking at him with a smile. ''Tenma! Hey...'' Haru smiles at his friend. Then, he frowns. ''Wait, aren't you supposed to be in school?''

The brunet laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. ''Yeah... I haven't been feeling well the last few days, so Aki is keeping me home. She asked me to buy groceries for her, and because I'm feeling better this morning, I decided to go now,'' he explains. Then, he eyes his friend curiously. ''But you haven't answered my previous question. What are you doing here?''

This time, Haru is the one who laughs sheepishly. ''Ehh... Well... I kind of decided to take a walk, and now I'm kind of... lost?'' it's more a question than an answer. Tenma sweatdrops, and the boys stand in awkward silence for a few seconds.

Then, Tenma smiles brightly. ''Guess it's a good thing I bumped into you then. What do you say, wanna buy groceries with me?'' he asks his friend, and the redhead nods with a smile. ''Well then, let's go!''

The two boys start walking, chattering about everything they can think about. After buying the groceries, they just walk around town, until Haru suddenly stops.

Tenma, who was in the middle of telling a story, turns around to look at the redhead. ''Uh... Haru? Is something wrong?'' he asks, but the redhead keeps staring at something to the right. Tenma follows his gaze, and a surprised look takes over his features, before he smiles brightly. ''A candy store? Want to take a look inside?''

Haru turns around. ''Really? It's not a problem?'' he asks excited. Tenma shakes his head, smiling at his friend who is acting like a little kid. ''Come on, let's go!'' Haru grabs Tenma's arm and drags him towards the sweetshop.

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