Chapter five

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Yep! That soon?? I'm impulsive's the next chappie! Enjoy!

And this is dedicated to a new reader ^_^


***Galen's POV***

Once I straightened out my wrinkled clothes and tried my best to look like normal me, I stormed up the porch of the pack house and burst through the doors. Sure, maybe I needed to simmer down a little, but I, Galen Wolfson, was bound to be with with a pathetic runt who happened to be the Omega forever. That shit would but any normal person in a bad mood!

I walked inside and strode down the hall until I saw Catherine, one of our timid she wolves. "Hey," I called for her and she quickly turned toward me, her brown eyes widening in nervousness. I forced a smile. "Chill, Cat, I just wanted to ask if you new where Rob was. Do you know?"

She nodded eagerly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Um, yeah! H-he should be in h-his room, Beta Galen." I inclined my head in thanks before heading up the stairs. My wolf began to stir restlessly. I stopped outside of Rob's door and placed my palm on my chest. Hmm...that was weird. Oh well... Shrugging it off, I went into his room and gasped in surprise. Lily and Rob were...getting it on!

Oh geez, I didn't need to see my best friends ass naked! I quickly dashed out of the room and locked the door behind me. Those horny bunnies didn't even notice I was in there! Sighing, I scratched the back of my head and turn down the hall to my room. Perhaps it was a good thing tough. Even if it was me, I'm sure Rob would've punched me in my face if he knew I saw Lily like, um, how she was.

But Rob didn't know how lucky he was. He had a beautiful mate with proper status. Her father was the alpha of another pack so she was practically bred to become a Luna. And though I don't mind that I was paired with a guy, why in the world did it have to be that freak Jeremy? Though I enjoyed the sex, everything else about him repulsed me. And kids of my own?

Hah, that's definitely thrown out the window. My blood line of Beta's is legendary or was. Guess it had to end with me. My dad died three years ago though my grandfather was still around, I had the unspoken responsibility to carry on the line. Too late now..

I opened the door to my room and saw Hannah perched on the edge of my bed wearing jeans and no top. "Hey, baby." I felt the old me from yesterday resurface and smirk mischievously.

Maybe it wasn't too late after all.

***Jeremy's POV***

My head was swimming dizzily as I opened my eyes realizing I was still in my wolf form. Judging from the light and position of the sun, I'd only been out an hour or so, so it was most likely noon. Fuck... How the hell was I suppose to move? Everything hurt. Panting, I lifted up my head and howled. I wasn't sure if anyone could hear it given how weak it sounded but all I could do was try. Someone should be able to right?

Throwing my head back again I howled longer and louder hoping in vain for an answer. Something didn't feel right about this...

***Galen's POV***

Hannah sat on my lap tugging on my lips with her teeth as I cupped her large breasts in my hand. We'd been fooling around for a few minutes and still...nothing. I was limp and I'm sure she could feel it. I mean, she was sitting right on top of it! Hannah pulled back and sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong, Galen?" She pouted and all I could think at the moment was : "You are not him, you slutty bitch." And that really freaked me out. But the way he fit against my body, the way he screamed my name...Hannah wiggled her ass against my sudden hard on. "Ohh, so you like my pouting?" She smirked and I struggled not to roll my eyes at her assumption. I reached up to kiss her when a distant howl had my wolf nearly take over. My canines grew and I stood up abruptly knocking Hannah to the ground. I ignored her protest and raced downstairs and out of the door.

As soon as my bare feet touched the dirt, I let my wolf take over. For some reason my human form seemed shaky and unstable. But my wolf knew where to go and I recognized it was back to the clearing. The faint smell of blood clouded my system.


My wolf ran faster as I sent out an order through my pack's wolf connection. 'Hey!' I called through my mind a little panicked, I'm sure there was nothing to worry about, the idiot probably tripped on a branch. Nonetheless, 'Rob, something's wrong! Send back up to the sacred clearing. Now!' I didn't mean to yell but the smell was getting a little stronger.

'Alright,' Rob answered calmly, sensing my unease. I stopped when I came to a lump of white fur. My wolf whined and licked at the face of our mate who had his eyes close. Jeremy slowly opened his eyes and nipped softly at my ear. They lowered in instant concern.

'Are you alright?!' I asked too loudly and Jeremy flinched. He whimpered and grunted gently.

'I can't shift back..' I heard him tell me and it appeared he attempted again but it ended in him whimpering again. I shifted back into my human form and ran my hand through his fur until I got a good grip.

"Try it again," I ordered and he paused but then nodded faintly and closed his eyes. I focused on giving some of my energy to him, we wolves usually reserve this exchange for times like this only, otherwise we would be weakened. After a few moments my hand was on his skin and he was in his human state once more.

"Thanks," he whispered and I nodded impatiently.

"Where does it hurt? I smelled blood." I asked while looking him over. He didn't answer. "Goddamn it, Jeremy, where does it hurt?" I turned him to his back and his face was alabaster pale and his breathing was faint.

My heart stopped.

"Whoa, wait, hey..." I patted his cheek while pulling him in my arms. "Jeremy! Hey!" No response. I scooped him up in my arms and cradled him to my chest protectively. His pulse seemed to be dropping... "No, no, no," I held him tightly and began walking. "We'll be there soon..." I felt something warm sliding down my forearm. Shifting him a bit, I discovered where the blood was coming from.

I ran back to the pack house as quickly as I could while carrying my mate


Phew, that took a while. But you guys wanted it, so here it is! I hope you guys like it!


Sorry once more for any grammar mistakes. You rock for reading!!! Yay!

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