Chapter twenty

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Hello lovelies! Here's the next chappie!


***Galen's POV***

"What the hell Jeremy!" I shouted as Jeremy jerked his clothes on and stormed out the room wobbling slightly because of his large form. His face was flush, his hazel eyes furiously burning a bright amber. My face still stung from the slap but I followed him out into the hallway.

"You love me? Really Galen? Out of all the stupid shit that has ever spouted out of your mouth this tops everything!" He growled. "Now let me pretend for one moment that you didn't say that just because of our pups. And not because the Goddess forced us as mates. What could you possibly love about me?"

"Well...Uh," I said stupidly my mind all scrambled. Jeremy narrowed his eyes and gave me a tight smile as he turned away.

"I'm suppose to meet Red for lunch. You know, special healthy diet and all? I'll see you later." As he turned the corner I finally let myself punch the wall. Damn it! I hadn't meant to tell him that but I got caught up in the moment. Shit. Jeremy was still as spiteful toward me as ever. Why had I expected that to change? Things had definitely altered since two months ago. I guess a could do that to ya. My back hit the wall and I slid down it slowly drawing my knees up. I had a son and a daughter on the way. In two months I'd have them in my arms, two innocent lives I'd be responsible to care for. All by myself.

I remember my mother. She was beautiful and nice. Her name was Amelia and I thought she was the greatest person in all the world. It nearly killed me when she died at the hands of a rogue breaching too far undetected in our territory. It was one of the reason why we had such tight security now a days. My dad never really got over it and joined her three years later due to health problems. I was thirteen when I no longer had parents. My pups would have me but I didn't know what was worse. Them never knowing Jeremy or for them to know him and lose him all the same?

"Are you alright?" I looked up to see Joel staring down at me with a small smirk on his lips. My wolf growled and snapped its teeth at the mere sight of this douche bag.

"What do you want?"

"Um, well," he blushed and looked away submissively and I grinned at that. At least he knew his place. "Alpha Rob called for an emergency meeting in the mess hall just a few moments ago so I was headed there."

"He did?" I asked frowning. I quickly got up and brushed off my jeans subtly noting that there was a bit of Jeremy's come on them. Geez... "Hey, I'll meet you there," I waved him off as I tried to wipe at it feeling a bit self conscious. I didn't want him to see.

"O-okay," he answered and began to walk off before he paused at the corner. "Oh, and fucking Jeremy all the time won't make him love you. It'll just make it seem like your using him for sex and a carrier of your child. Despite your caveman mentality, he is not an object or possession. He's a person."

My mouth dropped open as he quickly strode away. Before I gave myself time to think I stormed after him. When I turned the corner I t looked like he already reached the mess hall but that didn't stop me. I opened the doors widely and walked over to where he was talking to my mate. My eyes saw red as I tugged the back of his shirt and threw my fist in his face. Pack members gasped and some of the she wolves screamed. I ignored that as I grabbed at his throat.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" I said lowly in a dangerous voice.

"Galen! What the fuck?!" Jeremy pushed me back and I tighten my grip on this asshole's throat. "Let go!" He screamed when Joel started sputtering. "Now!" He swiped at my face and I stumbled back feeling blood spill out from the scratch that was already slowly beginning to heal. I looked at his hand and saw his nails retract from his claws. Jeremy face was shocked as I stepped back ignoring the buzz of murmurs around me. I released Joel and Jeremy grabbed my hand. "Galen, wait, I didn't mean--"

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