Chapter two

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  • Dedicated to The reader

Hi guys.. I hope you know that each and everyone of you are important to me and thanks for all your support. You guys make my world a brighter place which is why this chappie is dedicated to you, the reader :)


Sorry it's short! Just wanted you to have a peek inside my baby's head :P


*Jeremy's POV*

"Jeremy! I want these spoons polished until I can see my goddamn face in them!" Samantha, one of the pack's cooks ordered me and I openly scolded at the big woman. She was new to the pack, got accepted by Rob who soon came to love her cooking expertise. Yeah, that ultimately meant that she took fucking credit for what I did. Ordering me around didn't mean she did the actual work. I did. But since no one gave a fuck about the Omega, the people who commanded me to do work took the credit for it once it was finished.

But I wasn't an ordinary Omega.

"Oh, okay," I said nodding. "Yeah, I'll do that right after you're finished fucking yourself. Sound good?" I turned to her blinking innocently before dutifully walking over to the kitchen drawer to pull out the silver.


Sure, I got slapped around for my mouth but I refused to be silent. I wasn't going to let these people drive me insane or depressed. Though they thought of me of weak, I was anything but. Well, maybe physically seeing as I was the runt of the pack. I was slower, didn't even fully shift until I was fourteen when most of my litter mates did when they were ten. I made sure I made up for that with my attitude. At first, I was severely punished for speaking to other wolves like that but overtime they grew use to it and ignored me. Whatever. Once I was eighteen I was leaving and I would never see their cruel faces again. Especially Galen.

He was a shallow dick and his bitchy girlfriend was right under him in my mental list of people I despised, him being first. He thought he was so cool for having an impressive background of the most legendary Betas in history but just because dear old grandpa was the shit didn't mean that he would follow in his righteous footsteps. Did he think being a great second in command meant being a conceded asshole? No.

I felt a blow to the side of my head and I fell to the floor, the silverware I was polishing slipping right out of my hands. I clutched the side of my head that was throbbing with one hand and peered up to see my attacker. Rex stood above me, an arm wrapped around Samantha and a fierce frown on his face. "Um...ouch" I said semi annoyed. He spit in my face.

"Watch how you talk to my sister you piece of shit" he snarled and I gave him a mock solute.

"Aye, aye, captain." I groaned as I wiped the spittle from my face attempting to get up only to be kicked in the gut. My breath left me with a huge gust. He laughed and left me with his sister under his arm to clean up and make the special dinner for Jeremy and his mate. Oh how I loved my life that was filled with rainbows and sunshine...


After making dinner, Rob ordered the pack to gather in the backyard for the ceremony. On a male wolf's eighteenth birthday the pack, including me, would eat dinner under the stars in the spacious backyard behind the luxurious manor that was probably built from the labor of my fellow Omegas. Tonight happened to be the full moon which was good for fertility or so I heard. When the feast was finished said wolf would have to stand before the pack after a few words of congratulations from the alpha and simply wait until he sensed his mate which was to be known exactly at midnight. Once he found her they were to mate immediately because the she wolf would go into heat...I remember someone saying it happened to obtain the chances of children sooner. Because we seriously needed little Galen's running around.

The mating usually took place in the forest, I think in a secluded area otherwise pervs will be watching Galen get his freak on tonight. Eww.

So that's how the rest of the night played out. Everyone ate outside, sitting at the backyard tables while I was forced and expected to sit on the floor. Throughout the evening Hannah clung to Galen's arm, laughing at anything he said and glaring at any she wolf that happened to look in his direction. I was no secret that Galen only liked her for her looks and I heard the other she wolves talking the other day hoping he could be their mate. Or at least for it not to be Hannah. I was secretly hoping she wasn't his mate too. I would love to see her ego drop down a few hundred notches.

Before long it was nearing midnight. The pack grew quiet and Galen exchanged a few words with Rob, my hearing was weaker than others so I had no idea what was said but the people around me nodded. Sighing impatiently earning me a few disapproving looks, I glared at the pompous being who stood there smugly, his eyes scanning some of the slutty she wolves who were shamelessly jutting out their chest for him. The females made sure to dress scantily tonight in case they had the "honor" of being picked. Fucktards.

Suddenly I felt a strange dip in my stomach and people gasped at the sight of Galen falling to his knees his hands fisting in his hair. He was muttering something under his breath and was slightly shaking. Fearful outbursts traveled throughout the pack at their fallen Beta and my body felt really strange....


No way...

Oh shit.

My senses seemed to sharpen because I finally heard what Galen was saying over and over again.

"No, no, no...not him..." His eyes suddenly met mine and he growled and moaned one single word that made my heart stop in horror.



I'm not to sure if I'm satisfied with this chappie but it'll do. Jeremy's quite the potty mouth, hah. This might be a short story :) Tell me what you think! Please ^_^ COMMENT IF YA WANT MOOORE!

And don't be afraid to give me critique if you think it's bad.

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