Chapter fourteen

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My love for you guys is endless! A bottomless pit! You guys bare with me and my dry spells and still find the time to read and comment as soon as I post. Thank you so much.. 

 This chappie is for a good friend. I adore this person from the bottom of my heart ;)


 ***Jeremy's POV***

 I hate to say it but I think I missed that little fucker. I shook my head and continued walking down the hallway trying to stop thinking about him. Galen and some other pack members left to scout the area so I was left virtually by myself, which I normally liked but I kinda got use to Galen being all up in my ass. Um...wait! Not like that. It's just that now that he's gone, I felt weird.

 Walking around then manor also felt odd because I was usually cleaning this huge place. Since my accident in the woods no one really ordered me to do anything which was a nice change of pace but somehow made me a bit anxious. I wasn't use to having time by myself so naturally I had no idea how to pass the time. And of course I wasn't invited to help check for foreign scents since I couldn't shift, but they wouldn't have let me go anyway given my status. I was never allowed anywhere except school and back. 

 I stopped walking when I realized I'd never go back to school. It's not like I'd have any friends that I'd miss but I did like to learn. I loved knowing what was out there beyond the manor, beyond our pack. It's why I wanted to travel. To see and learn things about the world. To fill that space inside that yearn for a better life. And I had planned to do that when I turned eighteen. Sighing and pushing the oncoming morbid thoughts back, I was in the back yard when I heard faint rustling nearby. I tensed and strained my eyes to see who the intruder was when a scraggly haired brunette stumbled out of the bushes and squeaked when he caught sight of me.

 "Jeremy?" I squinted my eyes trying to place his face. Suddenly it clicked. He was that guy Rob let into the pack when rouges overran his own pack. I forgot his name though. And I really didn't give a fuck. "It's Joel," he laughed nervously probably guessing that he wasn't important enough for me to remember. I nodded at him, backing up to sit on the steps of the back porch. 

 "Hey." I waved awkwardly and he jogged up and took it upon himself to sit next to me. I looked up at the sky and focused on the stars not knowing what to say. There were so many...

 "They wouldn't let you go either huh?" I shook my head. "Yeah, me too." He looked me over curiously, his eyes settling on my stomach. It was barely noticeable, but I wrapped my arms around myself self consciously. He cleared his throat. "I think it's cool that.. you know. I mean, it's really unique and everything."

 I grimaced and glanced at him. "You shitting me?"

"No!" He waved his hands and bit his lip. "No, I just meant I think it is a miracle. It certainly isn't something you see everyday." His brown eyes met mine and he smiled. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze but I nodded again not sure what to say to that. "We never had anything like that happen in my old pack. But if we did...I think that would be...pretty nice. You know with male partners, they could finally have kids. That's a beautiful thing."

 And dying afterwards. Forgot that small little fact, I thought bitterly but gazed at him. "Are you gay?" I asked bluntly. I mean, what the hell was he doing sitting here talking to me about all this? Joel face blanched and I raised my brows waiting. I've never really came across a gay were, Galen and I weren't gay. Well, not at first. He was with Hannah and I was perfectly fine alone. I never really thought of having any sort of partner. 

 He looked at me sideways and nodded. "Yes, I am. But no one knows okay?" 

 I shrugged. "I couldn't really care less, that's your business." 

Joel smiled at that and bumped his shoulder to mine.  "Thanks. I don't really have too many friends here. And no one really talks to me." You and me both. "And I noticed you usually stick by yourself mostly." By choice. "So if you ever wanted to talk, or hang out or anything...let me know?" He finished and stood up brushing debris off his jeans. "Later Jeremy." With that final note, he left heading back into the manor. I watched him leave curiously. Hmm..that was different.

 Sighing at the cold breeze that pushed my hair back, I stood up and shivered ready to head back in myself. As soon as my hand touched the door knob, I felt a blow to the back of my head. Hissing in pain, I placed my hand on the back of my head and pulled it back to find thin stripes of blood coating my fingers. I was...scratched? A growl sounded right before I felt a huge weight pounce on my back knocking me down the steps and onto the grass. I gasped and turned to that my belly was pressed against the ground firmly and when my back got clawed at I was grateful I roll over in time. 

 "Fuck!" I groaned at the sharp stinging pain. Being the runt of my pack, I didn't heal as fast and this shit might leave a mark. Wonderful. The wolf snarled and I looked over my shoulder to catch a glimpse. Honey brown fur and brown feral eyes glared at me viciously for it lunged for my neck. 

 Fuck me sideways, I'd never catch a break! 



This chappie is very short but I'll make the next one longer!

 Jeremy and his potty mouth :/ I love it;) 

 Sorry for grammar mistakes guys >_<                                                                                                                                                                           

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