Chapter nine

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Another update? I want to spoil you today my pretties!! Even if I am a bit sleep deprived :3 I don't really like to to sleep anyways so all is well..except don't blame me if this chappie sounds a bit delirious..I don't think it will..what was I doing again?

Oh yeah! Updating :3


***Jeremy's POV***

My stomach was churning.

Not because of the food I just scarfed down like a starving dog. Or not because I needed to use the bathroom to take a piss. It was because Rob's mate Lily was still in my room sitting in a chair next to my bed reading a book as if it was completely normal. But no one hung around me more than absolutely necessary. Probably because they know I bite.

I cleared my throat and sat a little straighter in my bed.

"Yes, Jeremy?" She said in a soft voice raising her eyes to meet mine. I squirmed inwardly at her innocent expression. This girl was...cute? No, that didn't seem like the right word. She had this aura of peace and serenity bleeding from her very pores and the red halo of her hair made her porcelain skin appear to glow in a eternal light. She shined vibrantly in my temporary impersonal room and if I was being quite honest, it kind of hurt to look at her. I wanted her out.

"Why are you here?" I asked bluntly getting right to the point.

"To keep you company of course," she responded instantly without a second thought.

I grimaced, "Again, why?"

She looked at me for a minute, her eyes seemingly taking in every inch of me before her gaze darkened with sympathy. "Because it looks like you need it."

"I don't need anything from anyone."

Seeming unfazed at my clip tone she looked back down at her book and nodded. "I believe you are a very independent person, indeed." She assured me and I started at the word "indeed". In some way, it made me want to laugh but I bite my lip to prevent it. It must be the damn hormones making me want to laugh at such a ridiculous word.

"Yeah, I kinda have to be when no one else gives a fuck," I muttered and she stilled.

"Please don't use that language around me," she asked kindly shutting her book.

"If you weren't invading my personal space you probably wouldn't have to hear this shit," I said smartly trying to ruffle Little Ms. Patience feathers.

"Maybe if you got up and left your room for fresh air, then I wouldn't feel like you needed company. You've been locked in here for two full days. Some sun should do you good don't you think?" Raising up from her chair she walked over to me and lifted her hand. I automatically flinched and a frown captured her lips before she pushed my hair gently back from my forehead and pressed a gentle kiss there. Stepping back she gave me a tiny smile. "Get some air. Or I'll be back," she said playfully trying to pull off and Arnold Swartzenegger impression but unfortunately sounded more like Christopher Walken. As the door shut quietly behind her, my heart thudded. That was the first time that I could remember anyone attempting to be nice to me.

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