4.1 [Xuanwu]

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| Blind Xuanwu |

Xuanwu who was once Tang Man woke up once again

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Xuanwu who was once Tang Man woke up once again. He had no idea how long it had been, but while he was confused from his fever, his will to live was lifted up once again.

He couldn't perish so easily, only to reincarnate as a tragic animal. He was human once again. This time, he would find out more about the artifact that sent them into this limbo.

Last he remembered of his four other kin, their soul suddenly broke apart and dispersed into space. What came next was a blank canvas of a life so insignificant that only lasted for two hours.

Xuanwu tried to sit up with so much struggle as his bones were weak and his muscles untrained. His fever remained, but that was least of his worries.

Though he might have recovered his memories, he was far from recovering his divine soul. Hence, he was an utterly useless human right now. Knowledge with no means meant nothing.

He tried to cultivate, but he was much too unfocused and weak.

He turned his head to the side, keenly listening to the sounds but there was only eerie silence as if the place had long been abandoned.

He was blind, weak, thirsty and hungry. He was on a brink of death. Still he struggled to move, to crawl on the floor to find his way around.

He received sharp pains from the pointy objects littered on the ground, like stones and bones. Yet he hadn't gone that far and the shackles reminded him of his restraint. The bell-like sounds gave his heart tremor.

Unable to do anything, he laid on the ground exhausted, breathing hard for life while his parched throat tried not to choke him into another bouts of pain.

When he thought sleep would claim him once again, there was suddenly sounds of approaching heavy steps. There were more than two people, their steps almost being drowned by the sounds of keys that was most likely in someone's hand.

Then the iron door was unlocked with a click and Xuanwu was haphazardly released from his chains to be lifted up like a sack of potatoes. Having no sense of sight, his ears were especially keen at this time and he could imagine how narrow the passage actually was from the rebound of the sound waves. Outside his cell, long corridors followed after that only a person could get through.

Later, he was cleaned and dressed properly. Then he froze when he heard the familiar sounds of an auction house. The voice of the auctioneer resounded in the huge hall beyond the heavy curtain, along with the cheers and exclamation of the bidders.

It was finally time to sell him, a damaged goods. He bet he'd sell for a very cheap price.

And yet, he heard the auctioneer loudly announce:

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