1.4 [Tang Man]

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| Sacrifice— To Protect |

For 8 years, Rui and Tang Man has been mostly stuck with each other

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For 8 years, Rui and Tang Man has been mostly stuck with each other. They are childhood friends, student and teacher, master and his bodyguard/assistant and may possibly pass up as siblings.

Although they were mostly together when in Xi mansion, nobody ever joked around about them marrying to each other, because everyone knew that as the future head of Family Xi, Rui must go through a political marriage. His uncle (the Second Master) had begun referring girls to him since he reached 14 years of age. Unfortunately, Rui has never been interested with anyone aside from Tang Man, especially when he spends most of his time developing new games instead of anywhere else.


From whence Old Man Xi died, Rui became a frequent visitor to Family Rong's house. The same pitiful home but very warm inside. Being beside Tang Man and the people she treasured, Rui realized it was better to have a bigger family, still better than being alone at his mansion without the presence of his grandfather.

It was only when Old Man Xi was gone that he realized how much care the old man had put forth just to make his life a little more lively. And his last gift to him was Tang Man's loyalty and companionship. She was the only person he trusted the most and his only confidante. During the years they were together, he had realized that Tang Man was much more mature than he is despite being younger than 3 years. He was bitter for the first few years but he really couldn't beat Tang Man's thoughtfulness and foresight. He has been trying to catch up however, making him mature faster than his peers.

"Hey Rui Ah, so how do you beat this puzzle??" Liyun nudged him, the former was staring at the portable console in his hands trying to beat the game. Rui programmed the game recently but hadn't sold it to other companies yet, thinking it needed more polishing. Though Liyun isn't really the best person to test the game with.

Meanwhile, Xin looked at the small screen of the console and scoffed. "It's just a simple 'move the block' puzzle. Imagine five steps ahead before doing anything, would it work? No, then choose another path. Don't waste too much energy retrying."

Liyun was already used to Xin speaking like he knows everything on Earth so he obediently attempted what was suggested. The Rong siblings get along really well despite their differences.

According to Rui's observation, the kindest of them all but also not the wisest is Liyun. The most logical of the three is Xin, while Tang Man is the most heartwarming and sensible. Rui has been visiting the Rong Family more than a hundred times and has been treated like another sibling as well. Although at first, Liyun would make a lot of mistakes such as tripping over nothing, accidentally hitting things around him and saying loads of nonsense. It was such a disastrous first month for everyone but Rui persevered and finally acclimated.

Tonight was his and Tang Man's last night in CC Prefecture and wouldn't be coming back until 4 years later. Silverdale Academy has a strict rule over their students and their companions, hence there are dormitories available. This was arranged as such so students can focus on their studies, increasing their proficiency level. And whatever the school rules say, everyone must follow. Even the proper length of skirt and down to the type of socks, not to mention shoes.

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