Chapter 13

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If anyone were to ask me if I was panicking about meeting my favorite band, I would have to tell them yes. I've never been to a single concert in my life and that's caused by two things. One my dad wouldn't allow it and two I'm terrified by the idea of being packed in a large crowd. So this will be my first time meeting someone famous, besides Brandon and Chris. I'm just hoping that I don't manage to make a fool of myself somehow. I mulled over these things as we got in the car and began heading off to an unknown destination. Chris drove us into another apartment complex not to far from his own and parked in the first parking space he came across.

My heart was pounding irratically when his phone dinged and he murmured, "Alright let's go."

I toke a deep breath and followed his lead. I had to remind myself that I'm trying to start over, I need to let go of my hang ups. If only it were that easy. When we reached the third floor I was pulling at the sleeves of my jacket, resisting the urge to do the same to my hair. I allowed myself to pick up a few strands, marveling at it's length as I tried to pretend I was somewhere else. I did really want to meet the rest of MIW, but today has already been so stressful that I don't know if I can handle this.

I somehow zoned out Chris knocking on the door, so when Ricky opened it my jaw dropped for a second. I collected myself as I saw the rest of the five members of Motionless In White.

When we stepped inside Devin is the first to speak, "You look a bit star struck, are you a fan?"

I could only nod.

"Well you got lucky didn't you? Considering who your brother is friends with." Balz remarked with a warm laugh.

"Clearly." I agreed softly.

"Wow you weren't kidding man, she's as quiet as me." Ricky says to Chris as he shuts the door.

I gave Chris a look, he talked to them about me?

He gave Ricky a pointed look before saying, "Yea and she's even more shy, so can you guys just cool it?"

I waved off Chris's words, "No, no they're fine. This is just a lot to take in."

"Well it's nice to finally meet you Nicole." Ryan tells me with a comforting smile.

I returned one much smaller, nodding at him as I did. "You too."

"Alright then have a seat and tell us a bit about yourself." Brandon remarked gesturing to an empty chair beside Ryan.

I did as he suggested and gazed around the room as they all seemed to do the same at me. This was painfully uncomfortable.

Balz was the first to speak up, "So Nic, wait can I call you that?"

I gave a weak laugh, "Sure."

"Okay, so how are you liking it here so far?"

I tried to repress my memory of the boys that chased me earlier as I answered, "So far so good."

Devin decided to cut in after that, "Enough of the boring stuff dude, what's your favorite horror movie?"

"Um, House of A Thousand Corpses."

They all seemed to like my answer since they nodded in appreciation.

"Favorite color?" Ricky asked as he toke a seat on the arm of his couch.



"June 25th."

"Oh so its coming up soon." Ricky says as a smile creeps on his face. "How do you feel about parties?"

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