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It's nearly Halloween. Halloween used to be a favorite holiday of mine. My friends and I would all dress in costumes we'd been wearing the years before and go tricker treating. I always wore a black cape and either pretended to be a vampire or a dead red ridding hood. Either way we had a blast and spent hours after tricker treating just trading candy. That was my favorite part. Us fight over who got the peanut candy from Lori, because she was allergic. Kayla usually won because she always offered to give away her Nerds. I ended up with the most lolly pops, they were my favorite.

Now that I didn't have my friends I assumed I was doing nothing for Halloween. Evelyn thought tricker treating was for babies and stupid people. Lola went on and on about this rager she was going to. So I assumed I was handing out candy. I'd probably eat most of it myself.

What I hadn't expected was Gavin to invite me to his Halloween party during art.

Gavin: "Hey Freya."

Me: "..."

Gavin: "Silent treatment as normal."

Gavin took a seat next to me at the art table. Lola had been sitting there but she rushed off somewhere. I wasn't exactly paying attention to her.

Me: "..."

Gavin: "So?"

Me: "..."

Gavin: "I'm having a Halloween party. My sister would kill me if I didn't invite you."

Me: "..." I nodded.

Gavin: "So, you gonna come?"

Me: "..." I shrugged.

"Gavin: "Please, it wouldn't be fun without you."

And that's how I got roped into attending Gavin's Halloween party. At least I wouldn't have to hand out candy.

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