Twenty Three 👀

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You know, for someone who had gone years without sex, just porn and peeking in on her sexy neighbor, it has been difficult these past few days.

I know I said no sex... but Its difficult when surrounded by eye candy man and mr sexy smugness.

I step into the kitchen to look for a breakfast snack, and there stands Alec. He props himself up against the kitchen counter, glass of dark red blood in his hand as his eyes turn towards me as soon as I enter.

Damn those lounge pants of his for hanging so deliciously low on those hips of his. I can clearly make out the sculpted V of his lower body, pointing down towards his ... stop it Beth, you're drooling.

This smirk curls up on his lips so slowly as his eyes hold my gaze.

Oh no. Not today. Nope, I'm avoiding his teasing. I have to stay strong. No sex.

I go to turn around, but before I can leave, Zyn is in the doorway. His gaze shifts from drowsy morning eyes, to burning with hunger as he notices me.

Even he has been more touchy feely lately.

I don't mind. Hell, I rather enjoy it. But, it gets me so worked up. Every little touch just awakens the horny beast in me and I just want to pin him down and- No sex. No no sex! I don't want either of them in such pain they can pass out. Thats just wrong.

His body blocks the escape, his strong arms pulling me against his chest and his nose goes straight to his mark on my shoulder.

I shiver, trying my best to hold back any sounds of delight as I feel his breath fan my skin after he breathes in my scent. I can feel the prickling sensation of his beard as he goes to nuzzle into my shoulder and neck.

God, I love it when he touches me there. It turns my knees to mush and hums every nerve in my body to life.

No sex. I need to get away.

A second pair of hands land straight on my backside, cupping my bottom. A startled gasp escapes me, turning into a mewl as he squeezes my bottom in his hands.

Damnit. No noises. Shit. I-

"You know ..." Alec's voice whispers against the shell of my ear, "I have an idea. And no sex, penetration at least."

"Nope. No. No. We can be under the same roof without sex. Its possible." I hope I sound more convinced of that than I feel.

A soft whimper escapes Zyn's throat as his hand slides into the back of my messy hair. "Its been longer for me. Let me be close first."

"And what if I want her more? Hmm?"

"Shes mine."

"I saw her first."

I need to get out of here before they start a fight. Damnit. I quickly push them both, and surprisingly, they stumble back.

"Whoah," I look at my hands.

Alec rubs his chest. "Damn woman. You been working out?"

"Or you gave her more strength," Damien speaks up as he walks passed us like nothing has happened. He walks straight to thr fridge, grabs a bag of blood and pops it into the microwave. He always shows up at the perfect times ... not.

"Feels like it," Zyn mumbles. I glance over at him and see the gold shimmering in his eyes. Part of me whines. I don't like him feeling upset. Gah. This would be so much easier if no one got hurt. There has to be a way.

"I think I may have caught wind of a witch coven. They aren't too far, a full two days drive if we only go by night." Damien pours a little of the blood into a coffee cup and then licks the bag so as not to waste a drop.

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