One 👀

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"Oh crap. Oh Crap! He... he saw me... do you think he saw me?"

As usual, Whisky replies with a blink before he just lifts his leg and starts grooming himself.

"This is not the time for being calm, Wisky. I think our neighbor caught me watching him .... boinking some bimbo."

Whisky ends up leaving me, letting me stress all on my own. Of course he isn't worried. Oh if only my life was as easy as his.

What if Josh calls the cops? I mean ... is what I was doing illegal? Probably... shit, shit, shit.

After a few minutes of pacing, and still no knock on my door, I start to relax. Maybe he didn't see me, and I have just been over reacting? Yeah, lets assume that.

I breath a sigh of relief and decide its best to take a shower and relax before calling it a night.

- - - - - - - -

I don't know about you, but a hot shower just melts away every worry and care in the world.

I am practically floating, sporting just my panties as I exit the bathroom, only to be scared shit-less when I spot someone sitting on my couch.

"Shit!! What are you doing here?"

"Mom has given me a mission," she says before coming towards me. "Jesus Beth, if you are going to walk around half naked, pick cute panties. Cat underwear?"

"Its a pussy. Get it? Please tell me you get-"

"I get it," she sighs. Apparently she didn't find them as funny and cute as I did. I mean, come on right? Thats pur-fection, haha. "This is why you are single."

"No, I'm single because Cullen Rutherford and Alistair Theirin are stuck in a video game. Till I find suitable replacements,-"

"Like your sexy as fuck neighbor?"

"I uh, I d-don't know what you-"

"We are going out," she walks closer. Now is when I notice she has a two bags. One looks to be holding clothes while the other her tools of pain and agony.

"But I-"

"No buts big sis. Tonight, Mom wants you to find a guy."

"Mom is crazy, Birdy."

"She wants grandchildren. For that to happen, you need to get laid and date real people."

"Well, she isn't old enough for her wants to hurt- hey!" She starts pushing me back into my room. Whisky doesn't even lift a paw to help me either. He just watches as she leads me to my doom.

- - - - - - - -

An hour and a half later, we are getting out of an uber outside this club. I can practically feel the breeze against my ass cheeks in this airplane dress my sister has made me wear. Why is it called an airplane dress? Because if I just cough or bend a hair too far, people will see my cock-pit. Ugh. I can't pull it any lower either because I'm already about to spill out the top.

My body was not made for this dress. This dress was made for someone far shorter and smaller than me.

I do like what Birdy did to my hair though. My natural waves actually aren't wild and frizzy. The make up is a bit more heavy than my usual chapstick. My eyes are lined and shadowed and god only knows what else she put on my face.

"Quit fussing with yourself," she scolds me, popping my hand away from my dress. She ignores my glare as I expected she would.

She on the other hand looks hot as hell in her red version of my black dress. At least I convinced her to let me go with a heel I was comfortable with instead of the dagger style she is in. She is easily 6ft in them. I'm content enough at my 5' 8" stature.

I expected us to be forced to wait in line, but we got let right in after she whispered in the bouncer's ear. I don't know if I want to know what she said to him.

Into the lions den we go.

I am completely out of my league here. There are no save points. No page breaks to pause at and close the book. I am completely at my wild and younger sister's mercy.

"Lets get shots!"

Here we go...

- - - - - - - -

A/N: not edited and a bit short, but p.o.v. change in next chapter 😘 already working on it, but sleep calls me. 💋

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